Saturday, December 30, 2006


Anti-Aging is a Lifestyle: There is no Magic Pill that will Stop the Clock

Let me first start off by saying that the term “anti aging” is a misnomer of sorts. The grim fact is that we will all age and eventually die. Not one of us is immortal. The good news is that we can prolong our lives and avoid disease by making a conscious effort to take care of ourselves. Prevention is key when it comes to anti-aging. Many people are still looking for that perfect cream or pill that will make them look younger. The fact is that it’s most important to take care of what’s on the inside before you will see external results. What you put into your body is a reflection of what you see on the outside. The path to healthy aging (or antiaging) takes dedication and a conscious effort. Nobody is perfect – we all have our vices – those things that we just love and feel must be included in our lives, be it lying out in the sun, drinking that morning cup of coffee, or the occasional sweet indulgence. The key is moderation. Don’t deprive yourself of that which you love because you will only be likely to over-do it next time you are tempted. Think about the things you put into your body every day: the things you eat and drink, the stress you put upon yourself, the exercises you do, the exposure you give your skin to harmful UV rays and cigarette smoke, and the time you take to let yourself relax. By making a conscious effort to cut down and possibly eliminate those things that are dragging our health into the gutter, we will live happier, healthier, more youthful and productive lives. You can start small and work your way up to a healthier lifestyle. When you start seeing the benefits of your efforts, you will be more motivated to stick with your plan and implement more healthy changes. Here are some basics to look at. You may already be doing some or even all of these things – if so; you are on the right track! If not – congratulations for making a conscious effort to start living a healthier life. Remember, start small with one or two items a month and keep adding more as you go:

1) Drink water. Many people don’t realize that they actually drink more calories than they eat. Soft drinks and juices can pack on the pounds and make you feel sluggish. On the contrary, water will make you feel more energized and can also suppress your appetite between meals. If you are trying to loose weight or increase energy then water is your friend. Your skin will thank you, too.

2) If you smoke – quit. Be hard on yourself about this one. We all know that smoking is linked to cancer and a host of other health problems. You must win this battle or all of your other efforts will be in vain.

3) Exercise at least 20 minutes every day. Even if you have to get up at 5 a.m. to take a brisk walk around the neighborhood. Fit it into your schedule somewhere. You will find that you have more energy and your body will begin to show the effects of your efforts. The key is to stick with it even when you don’t feel like it – the results don’t come for free.

4) Eat more veggies. Vegetables (and fruits) are a wonderful source of age-fighting antioxidants. To get the best health benefits, eat a range of colors. Get your greens, reds, yellows, and purples every day. Some good choices are spinach, tomatoes, carrots, and blueberries. Not only will you be getting your antioxidants, but you will also be adding more fiber to your diet.

5) Limit your time in the sun. Always use SPF 15 or higher when you know you will be out in the sun. Damage from the sun will cause your skin to look older, faster. If you really enjoy that “bronze” look, try a self tanner. You will get the look of a tan without the harmful UV exposure.

6) Take time for yourself. The world can be a stressful place. Stress that is built up in your body can cause you to age quicker. Take time to meditate, read a book, or get a massage at lease once a week, if not more.

These six tips for antiaging may seem simple, but if you actually implement them into your lifestyle, you will see positive changes in your health, mood and looks. Your body will thank you in many ways and you will be able to live a more youthful, more active life well into “old age”.


The Anti-Aging Wonders of Hyaluronic Acid

ABC News has recently focused on the possible anti-aging benefits of hyaluronic acid, also known as Hyaluron or HA. In a story entitled, "The Village of Long Life: Could Hyaluronic Acid Be an Anti-Aging Remedy?", the focus was on a villiage in Japan named Yuzuri Hara where people usually live a long time and often have perfect skin into their 80's or even into their 90's. More than 10 percent of the population of his village is 85 or older, which is about ten times the average in America.

Some studies suggest that the reason that residents Yuzuri Hara, known as "The Village of Long Life," live such long and healthy lives is mainly due to the fact that the local diet that is unique to the village features a starchy vegetable which is particularly rich in HA. In fact a large pharmaceutical company in Japan began Research & Development on a pill supplement containing HA. When they tested the pills on one thousand individuals, around half of them reported smoother skin and even improved eyesight. Hyaluronic acid has also proven effective in lubricating arthritic joints as well, as certain studies have shown positive results from injections into the joints of Hyaluronic Acid, a component of the bodies own lubricant fluid, that may delay the need for a joint replacement.

Hyaluronic Acid, also simply called HA, is plentiful in our bodies when we are born, but it's levels gradually recede over time. This reduction in HA levels may be a big part of the aging process which we see.

Hyaluronic Acid occurs in the deeper layers of our skin known as the dermis and it appears to help keep the skin smooth because of it's water retention qualities. Hyaluronic Acid also apparently helps to repair skin wounds and certain other problems.

In addition, it appears to help maintain collagen levels. Under normal circumstances, collagen depletion is widely considered to be a prime factor in subpar skin tone as well as elasticity of the skin, something that is often associated with the visual aging process.

Hyaluronic Acid makes up about eighty percent of the human eye, a fact that is surprising to some people. It is a sort of shock absorber to the retina which helps to prevent trauma to the eye. It has only been recently that hyaluronic acid has been considered effective in oral form although it has long been used in injections into the joints.

Friday, December 29, 2006


Younger Looking Skin - Simple tips To Hold Back The Years

If you want to keep your skin in great condition and get younger looking skin, it’s a lot easier and less expensive than you may think.

You don’t need expensive beauty creams, you can simply follow the tips below and you will have great looking younger skin, thats radiant and glowing.

1. Protect

It doesn’t what day cream you use, for younger looking skin you need to have one that has an SPF 15 level of protection.

This goes for days when the sun is not high in the sky.

Sun damage is the major cause of premature skin aging.

You don’t need expensive creams.

One that has SPF 15 for the day and for the night, simply one that you feel comfortable with and is absorbed easily into your skin type, is all you need.

You can spend a few dollars, to several hundred dollars on skin creams, however there will be little difference between them in terms of protecting your skin.

One of the biggest myths of all is nourishing the skin from the outside.

The stories are great and sound convincing, but it’s a shame they don’t work!

If you want to nourish your skin you do it from the inside.

The foods you eat are important. Don’t fall for the hype of the multi billion pound advertising of eternal youth from a pot of cream.

2. Foods to keep your skin young

Multigrain bread

To get plenty of selenium to zap free radicals, which when they get into the body can break down collagen.

Other good foods are shrimps, brazil nuts and sunflower seeds.


Oats contain silicic acid that is responsible for making the spongy like cells that lie between collagen and the elastin fibres of the skin.

This plumps up the skin making it look more youthful and are great for holding back fine lines.

Alternatives are whole grain wheat, Alfalfa the latter which is a popular supplement.

Goji berries & Muesli

The former contains lots of vitamin C (as do other berries) but these contain 500 times more vitamin C gram for gram than oranges, so you get a potent dose and finally, Muesli for Vitamin E.

These vitamins are great for zapping free radicals and protecting the skin naturally from sun damage.

Other good foods for vitamin C are (other berries as stated above) oranges and grapefruit.

For Vitamin E look for sweet potatoes, Sunflower seeds spinach and avocado or you can take evening primrose oil.

As a general rule you should get at least 3 – 5 servings of fruit and vegetables per day.

Great meats

Get plenty of oily fish and aim for 5 servings per week.

Great sources include: Mackerel, salmon, sardines, herrings and salmon.

These fish contain omega 3. This essential fat helps form prostaglandins which are responsible for keeping the skin subtle and hydrated.


Lean steak is great for supplying iron an essential nutrient. If you don’t like steak, then you can have mackerel, sardines or dark turkey meat, as an alternative.


A great source of copper which is an essential mineral for the formation melatin which helps reduce the formation of age spots one of the tell tale signs of skin aging.

Beef, sardines, mussels, lobster and sunflower seeds are also good sources.

Last but not least

3. Drink water and lots of it

We can’t live without it and it’s essential to get plenty to hydrate your skin and flush out impurities. So get 2 – 3 litres a day.

Do the above and

Your skin will look younger and more radiant and you will delay the signs of aging.

One final note, the bulk of the work to keep your skin young comes from the inside, Not the outside.

So forget the miracle creams, nourish from the inside and protect with SPF from the outside and you will have beautiful, radiant, younger looking skin.


Aging Exercise Rustles Thoughts of Aches and Pains

I am still looking for the fountain of youth. I have not found it yet, but I am hoping that it will pop up in a bottle on the grocery shelf at a reasonable price. I doubt it, but there is always hope. On my more realistic days, I like to think that I am drastically slowing the aging process, though not halting it completely. Through my daily exercise routine and nutritional choices, I feel and look younger than other people my age. I know this personally and I am told this on a daily basis.

Unfortunately, as we age, our bodies start to get a bit weak. That is, things like osteoporosis and arthritis affect our ability to move like we used to when we were young. There are still plenty of ways to get quality exercise without endangering oneself or promoting further arthritis difficulties.

Since I have started exercising, I have seen my energy go through the roof. Whereas before, when I was merely watching what I eat or completely ignoring my body’s needs, I felt sluggish on nine hours of sleep and could barely get through my day without yawning incessantly or drinking multiple cups of coffee. Caffeine is not only bad for the body but it yellows the teeth, which adds to the overall aged look.

When I discovered that isometric exercise could be used in combination with resistance band training to help get fit, I was skeptical. After all, a great number of older people suffer from arthritis and osteoporosis that can make simple hand motions painful. However, the resistance bands offer varying degrees of difficulty that I am in control of at all times. There is no need for me to setup complicated equipment or lift heavy weights and machines. The band can be stored in my pocket and purse and pulled out whenever I have a few minutes.

Isometric exercise is essential to increasing the effectiveness of my resistance band exercise. This is as simple as a breathing technique and muscle contraction at the right time. In a few weeks of participating in this exercise route, I had as much energy as when I was a teenager. I could never have hoped for more. I feel younger and healthier just because of a few strength training exercises per day.

The idea behind isometric exercise and resistance band exercise is that very select muscles are worked. Because it is resistance training, the muscle and joint only have to be moved as far as you are comfortable with. That is why these techniques are used by physical therapists to recuperate patients and the morbidly obese. Movement is limited to what you feel comfortable. Usually, after seven days, that range of motion increases a bit. Slowly you will find yourself more flexible and tolerant of motion in your muscles and joints.

In order to lose weight and build muscle, I participate in the strength training program, but I also eat very healthy. I do not count calories or avoid breads altogether, I just use common sense. It goes a long way towards a healthy lifestyle. I coupled proper food choices with strength training and a brisk walk in the morning and find myself the best “me” I could be. I feel like I am in my twenties, look younger than most of my peers, and have the energy to go non-stop through my busy day. Come to think of it, I really do not need the fountain of youth. Aging exercise is easy with the IsoBreathing System. I’ll leave searching for an instant answer to those who do not want to take a proactive role in their own health.

Thursday, December 28, 2006


Coffee: Treating and Preventing Alzheimer's?

Who would have thought that America’s most loved drink could prevent Alzheimer’s but even work to treat patients who may be suffering from the disease? Through many studies and plenty of research, evidence shows that drinking coffee may well be the answer.

You see, in an Alzheimer patient, the brain carries higher levels of a protein known as beta-amyloid. In research, it was shown that when caffeine was introduced the levels of this protein dramatically decreased which could mean that coffee could be the answer many people have been looking for in preventing and treating Alzheimer’s.

Of course, this research and studies have only been conducted on mice, but the results are spectacular. When the mice were introduced five hundred milligrams of caffeine a day, which is the same as five mugs of coffee for us humans, the results were astounding. For mice without Alzheimer’s it was proven to provide protection for their existing memory. While in mice that had evidence of Alzheimer, with high levels of the protein beta-amyloid was proven that caffeine would reduce the levels of this protein.

What does this mean for humans? Well it means that while we have always been told that coffee is bad for us, we can one again enjoy that refreshing cup of coffee, knowing that now it may well help in keeping us healthy. Will the human race embrace this? Well change is not always well accepted.

For so many years, it has been driven into our heads that drinking coffee would do nothing but harm us. In fact, I remember my great-grandfather making me promise him that I would never drink coffee and I haven’t ever touched a cup of coffee in all my thirty years. However, after all the scientific research showing me those five cups of coffee each day might help in keeping me healthy, I may well have to go enjoy my first cup. I love the smell, it is always so tempting, but every time I think about it, the words echo in my head from my great-grandfather, promise me you will never drink coffee.


Essential Oils

I believe that essential oils play an important roll in the battle against aging. Some people bath with them or they're often used to create an atmosphere of ambiance at home by the method of burning with the use of oil burners. At times people have also been known to rub it on their body. They are sometimes used as base for fresh hand made soaps, scrubs and creams, body butter . They create the perfect base for aromatherapy in general. Each essential oil has its own therapeutic properties which are obtained by extracting oils and various other properties from a number of plants, fruits, seeds, and leafs, for example some of the common essential oil extracts are fennel, jasmine, orange, lemon grass, and geranium.

As with any essential oil extract it is vital to receive them from a reputable source and the quality must be of a high standard. Before accepting any batch of oils you need to be sure that they have been thoroughly tested. There is a special procedure for this we call it chromatography it is to see whether the signature of the essential oil is evident. The word natural does not guarantee purity, It is always good to check the description on any essential oil. Also it is essential that the oils are stored in dark glass to keep them fresh. I studied natural soaps and there individual properties, some soaps contain essential oil and other ingredients alike such as cocoa butter, fresh mint, patchouli, almond milk, etc. In my opinion the way forward is fresh hand-made cosmetics, so people start to look healthy and that means were a head in the battle against aging and the way forward to great skincare.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Keeping Your Memory Sharp As A Tack

All the individual cells within your body are truly little miracle workers. They deliver nutrients on schedule, package up proteins, communicate with each other, and maintain temperature. They regulate chemical balance, guard against intruders, and accomplish their goals while moving in heavy traffic. Independent and self contained, the cell is able to perform the necessary work to keep YOU in tip-top shape. Within just one year, your heart will beat 35 million times; your blood will travel over 12,000 miles. In addition, your system will pump enough blood to fill three super tankers within one lifetime. This is all from the labor and effort of those trillion+ cells. It is also the work of your subconscious – the system that performs its duty without any conscious effort from you. Can these tiny workers do anything about aging and memory loss? The answer to maintaining a great memory is as real as the cells inside your body that work tirelessly for you.

We pay little attention to our cellular selves, and go through our lives without the slightest recognition of their existence. Only when something goes awry -- a malfunction in the system -- an intruder, a virus, a cancerous cell, or bacterium – only during times of duress and emergency is the conscious-self alerted to the body. This awareness however, makes us more responsive and can enable us to remedy the problem.

Cellular behavior might be invisible to our conscious self, but it does exist. The same principal applies to our mental power. Overlooked and hidden, we usually ignore its existence until something in our thinking process goes off-beam -- anxiety, depression, fear, or self-doubt. It is usually at this point that awareness takes place as we look for answers to alleviate this negative state of mind. If we continue to explore and research, eventually we will discover the power of the subconscious mind and its relationship to the neural cells. Exploring this level, we find the workings of supreme energy and its unique alignment with the subconscious. This supernatural force can take care of any trouble, dilemma or drawbacks we are facing. It can even ensure that our memory and mental ability remain in top working order.

Brown Landone, the author of over 100 books, wrote extensively about the subconscious, also known as universal mind. In his work titled “How to Turn your Desires and Ideals into Reality” Landone touched on the subject of aging and the importance of memory. He lived to the ripe old age of 98, and published his last article when he was a youthful 93; therefore, we can assume he practiced what he preached.

In the chapter “Overcoming Forgetfulness – Idealizing Remembering” Landone emphasized the importance of “idealization” to maintain an excellent memory. The system is quite simple, when we recognize that memory is a habit. If we become AWARE of HOW we think it can lead us to using idealization, or imaging ourselves, to enhance memory. No matter how distracted we become, if we hold the picture of a perfect memory it will manifest. As Brown Landone states, “The process built automatically into my mind. I had an ideal – a perfect image of myself – remembering to do the thing I wanted to do, built into the brain structure, so that no matter how important the things occupying my mind, I could always remember. . . ”

This exercise does not require “mental gymnastics.” In fact, Landone felt that “memory systems” were both “clownish” and a “waste of time.” Today’s software and learning tools that promise better memory are no different than the systems that Landone wrote about in his books over 100 years ago, and he considered these remedies useless.

In order to maintain a good working memory, the individual must first recognize the power of the mind itself. Educate yourself on the subject of mental science; familiarize yourself with the concept that the material and spiritual world are one. On this journey, you will discover that the environment in which you live is a fascinating place, full of ideas and innovation. Play in it. Enjoy it. Keep growing, and your memory will always remain -- sharp as a tack.


Aging Gracefully Through Herbal Medicines

Majority of women around the world are becoming more and more interested in herb use in order to combat aging. With herbal medicines, subjecting yourself to toxins just to look and feel younger is no longer necessary.

The following herbs are considered the most beneficial to our beauty regimen. These are rose hips, chamomile, lemongrass, peppermint, and white willow bark. These herbs are known to best soothe your skin and satisfy your senses.

On top of the list is rose hips. These are the seeds which come from rosa mosqueta, a pink-colored wild rose growing throughout America. Rose hips contain linolenic acids, an essential fatty acids which help soften dry skin, fade scarring, and erase sun damage.

According to Nicholas Perricone, M.D., a dermatologist and author of the The Perricone Prescription, if your diet lacked these fatty acids, your skin will not heal properly, will look dehydrated and lackluster. The essential fatty acids found in rose hips helps in healing, rejuvenating and moisturizing skin. Since rose hips is rich in Vitamin C, an antioxidant, it could also help protect skin from the damaging sun and improve fine lines, the research claims.

If you are after an herb which soothes tired, sensitive skin – chamomile is your solution. This plant, a small white flower with yellow centers, is considered the best source of serenity for your complexion. This has been applied to calm itchy, reactive skin and soothes rashes. In a German study circulated in the European Journal of Medical Research, chamomile cream is best in treating inflammation and irritation associated with eczema. It has a calming, anti-inflammatory power and also very effective in achieving an even skin tone, the study states..

Lemongrass, a tropical Asian plant is known for its earthy but pungent aroma. It has a strong lemony flavor. According to Melinda Minton, a Fort Collins, Colorado-based herbalist and product formula consultant, lemongrass is said an effective anti acne medication because it is an astringent and antibacterial. It is also great for refining pores, for circulation, and increases elasticity of complexion, she said. In India, at a medical research center in Bhubaneswar, researchers found that lemongrass repressed 22 types of bacteria and 12 kinds of fungi better than the qualities of 10 other different essential oils.

A natural remedy for aches and pains is peppermint. The essential oil found in peppermint is a good source of cooling menthol. In a study made by the International Journal of Psychology in 2005, researchers found out that peppermint reduced daytime sleepiness because its invigorating aroma helps awaken the senses.

The white willow bark is a good tonic and astringent. It is also used in treating rheumatism, and relieves pain and swelling. Studies showed that this plant is been very effective in fighting dyspepsia connected with debility of the digestive organs. The tonic and astringent combination makes it very useful when a person in recuperating from acute diseases, in diarrhea and dysentery.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Figure and Vigor for Longer

Is anyone there in the world who does not cherish the desire to prolong his youthful figure and vigor? Obviously the answer is always in negative. Even then according to the natural commandment, every creature in the universe has to undergo through the stages of aging. The skin will lose its luster, the hair will get grey, wrinkles will start appearing on the face and other organs will begin to lose their efficiency. But it’s a proven fact that the youthful vitality may be prolonged over the years with all its benefits provided we control our daily life with a bit of knowledge of body metabolism.

Why and How Aging

Every newborn will start growing aged from the next moment it is born and in course of time, one day, it becomes old. But still a body has its own mechanism to fight with the aging factors, of course, with some limitations. One which plays the most important role to prevent the body cells from being damaged by counteracting with the aging factors is the Antioxidants. During the course of our body functioning, number of free radicals is formed. These are primarily responsible for destruction of body cells. During the process of destruction of body cells, again further free radicals are formed causing a cyclical adverse effect on the vitality. Moreover, the factors like busy schedule of competitive daily life, habit of junk food, smoking and absence of physical labor, not only contribute to generate more free radicals but also accelerate destruction of bodily enzymes which act as antioxidants. As a result, the natural bodily antioxidants fall inadequate to combat and consequently they can not neutralize all the free radicals. Here lies the necessity of inducing anti oxidants from outside through food.

Sources of Anti Oxidants

Though medicines are available for supplying additional antioxidants into the system, but it’s always advisable to procure the same through daily normal diet.

It may be observed that the daily food what a common man consumes contains plenty of antioxidants.

Cereals and pulses have much copper in them, milk, sea fishes and animal fleshes contain selenium, the rich source of antioxidants.

Other green vegetables like, cabbage, carrot, pumpkin, tomato, even green chilies are rich in antioxidants.

Fresh fruits and also dry fruits ensure regular supply of antioxidants.

High quality antioxidants like alfacarotin, lycopin etc are present in green leafy vegetables which even help to prevent disease like cancer.

Food habit that matters

Controlled and regulated life style help slowing down the aging process to some extent but, it’s the food habit which matters most.

Animal proteins if consumed frequently and in plenty, may reach harm notably, since they produce iron components in the body which in turn catalyzes the oxidation process. And thereby body cells are getting damaged. Therefore those who consume much animal protein should increase the intake of vegetables that are rich in antioxidants so that the harm reached by the animal protein may be nullified to the best extent.

However it’s always advisable to be habituated to vegetarian diet if possible.

Again, Vegetables when cooked become more dynamic to fight the oxidation process rather than in its raw form since rate of absorption of cooked food is better in the body.

Oils and fats may not reach much harm provided they are consumed in a controlled fashion and there exits no other secondary diseases.

However, deep fry should always be avoided which will have an adverse effect in the process.

Vitamin E and vitamin C are two common and major sources of antioxidants; hence we should select our fruits and vegetables which are rich in these two vitamins and thereby to get more antioxidants infiltrated in our body.


Reduce Stress Quickly To Increase Longevity-Six Easy Tips

Stress can impact our lives in so many ways. It can shorten our life as well as make it less than it should be. Stress can raise your blood pressure, contribute to heart disease, cancer, depression, heartburn and many other ailments. These shorten longevity. So ways to reduce stress quickly also increase longevity. The two go together.

Stress can also rob you of your vitality leaving you tired and irritable. It contributes to weight gain that causes more stress, which leads to weight gain….

These tips are simple yet highly effective at reducing stress quickly. Try them!

1. Sleep- Research shows the importance of getting at least 7 hours per night. And you can’t make up for lost time. Depriving you body of the sleep it needs decrease your longevity and your ability to mange stress. Lack of sleep contributes to many health concerns including weight gain, high blood pressure, memory loss, type-2 diabetes.

2. Stop caffeine (or limit to one cup in the morning) and high sugar foods. Your body will let you know when have had too much. Increased feelings of anxiety, shakiness, insomnia, and irregular or rapid heartbeats. These warning signals (toxic or mild overdose symptoms) are telling you that the temporary energy boost you felt has now drained your body of energy and the long-term effects, from repeated exposure, are negative.

3. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables- This is one of the first things we forget about if we’re busy, in a rush and feeling stressed. It seems easier to stop by and grab a fast food lunch or dinner. But this stresses the body more and does not give it the nutrients needed for managing life. Eating a well balanced diet with plenty of fresh, whole foods is vital to energy levels, managing stress and anxiety through out the day.

4. Deep breathing –STOP at least every one to two hours and BREATH! Take deep slow breaths and feel your chest and abdomen move. If it helps, count to 5 while you inhale and 5 while you exhale. Close your eyes if possible. Feel your muscles relax. This also increase your oxygen level which gives you improved energy and less stress.

5. Exercise – This does not have to be a rigorous work out or marathon. Take a walk, do some stretching. Take a yoga class and then do it at home, too. Just get moving. Your body was designed to move on a regular, ongoing basis. Exercise connects you with the core source of energy and makes you feel fully alive. Exercise stimulates the release of natural substances that counteract the negative effects of stress hormones.

6. Laugh and play-These are proven fun ways to beat stress and improve your life, longevity and simply have a great time!

Of course there are many more ways to reduce stress and therefore increase longevity. The more you do the greater your results will feel. A longer, happier life can be yours. And one last thing—take care of yourself…first!…then you can also take care of others.

Monday, December 25, 2006


New Year = New Attitude Toward Aging

Let's start the new year of 2007 by resolving to fight the "aging process." The idea of taking it easy as we get older should be discarded and replaced with a new outlook. Let's decide to release that old fashioned belief that "decrepitude" is inevitable as we age. Let's give up complaining about Uncle Artheritis, Aunt Diabetes and Cousin Osteoporosis.

Many of the health and mobility problems experienced as we age are caused from immobility and in our society we make it easy to be immobile. Dr. Walter M. Bortz II, who studied the deleterious effects of bed rest, came to the conclusion that “…at least a portion of the changes that are commonly attributed to aging are, in reality, caused by immobility. As such, they’re subject to correction by mobility—meaning activity and exercise.”

What if we didn’t encourage seniors to move to homes with no stairs? What if there were more strengthening programs available to help seniors regain and retain strength and independence? What if seniors in assisted living homes weren’t treated like children and told to exercise while sitting in a chair? What if they were asked to exercise as do younger people—by lifting weights for upper body and doing squats for lower body strength?

Why not work on keeping strong as we age--so we will remain independent and not need the aids that are so accepted in our society? Why don’t we attempt to change the mind set that has produced this problem?

The answer for most of us is that we don’t know any better. We are not aware that we can choose to remain independent as we age because we have been told all our lives that we should take it easy as we grow older.

To illustrate how deeply embedded is the idea that we should slow down as we get older, here are two quotes from a book published a few years ago about preparing for being unable to live independently as you age.

”...Eliminate the need for strenuous physical exertion where possible, especially the need to climb stairs…”

“…Reduce physical exertion: Keep bending, lifting, and reaching to a minimum. Replace heavy iron cookware with lighter weight …pots and pans.”

This mind set enables us to progressively become weaker as the muscles in our arms and legs atrophy. Why not climb stairs as long as we are able? Why not suggest that lifting heavy pans can help keep your arm muscles strong? Why not stress that being active actually causes you to have more energy—not the opposite?

The truth is that the more you exercise, the more energy you will have. Yes, I know it doesn’t make sense, but that’s the way our bodies were designed.

Tufts University in Boston has done much research into the aging process. They have proven that even 90-year-olds can become stronger just by doing resistance training. Muscles do not forget how to be strong, they atrophy because they are not used.

I teach strength exercise classes to senior citizens. I have watched people in their seventies, eighties and nineties become stronger. I watch them become more independent and self-sufficient. I see their self-esteem increase as they begin to realize that they are not doomed to a continuous spiral of becoming weaker and weaker with every passing day.

Class participants tell me that they can get in and out of the car easier, that going up stairs is easier, that the arthritis is their knees is gone, that the creaky shoulder is without pain. And most of all they tell me that they feel better and have more energy.

They work at exercising. They come to class barely able to lift three-pound weights. In only a few weeks, they move up to five pounds. Then they laugh at how three pounds used to feel heavy. They move up to eight pound weights for some of the exercises. They feel better about themselves. I love hearing their stories about how strength training has changed their lives.

If you are a senior, get moving and get lifting. Climb up and down stairs, carry bags of groceries, work in the garden—make your body work. Get involved in a exercise program or set up one of your own. Include walking, stretching and strength training for a complete program. If you don’t use your muscles, you will lose them.

If you are younger, encourage your loved ones to remain independent, to get up and move around their homes, to take care of themselves. If you have a parent living with you, encourage him or her to be self-sufficient. Don’t try to alter the living space so they hardly need to move. Make sure they understand that they need to be active.

If you are a health care provider, encourage your patients or residents to do things for themselves, to walk, to participate in exercise classes, to do anything that will cause them to move and stretch. Investigate how strength exercise might be included in the lives of those for whom you are responsible.

Let’s all work to change our attitude toward aging. No longer let us sit and rock while our muscles atrophy. We can begin in 2007 to create a new paradigm for aging.


Anti-Aging Reality Not all "Old" People Are "Old"

It’s a fact: Many Boomers plan to work in some capacity in retirement. When they reach the big six-o, they won’t automatically switch into the role of typical traditional retiree. It’s is not part of their life plan.

They will not fade into the sunset to play bingo, shuffleboard, or waste time and money gambling at casinos. They exercise, are in fabulous good health, and will work to stay that way.

That means an increasing number of 60-plus year-old men and women do not think, look, or live like their parents at the same age. However, judging by images and portrayals of seniors in TV ads, these folks do not exist, even though their numbers are increasing.

For example, TV ads pitching supplemental Medicare insurance for seniors, depict only typical retirees: grandma kissing the baby; grandma blowing bubbles with the grandkids; grandma and grandpa strolling along the beach holding hands; grandpa playing ball with the grandkids.

Those ads generate a positive response from those who identify with the images and portrayals. And that’s okay. But where are images of “new” retirees who look and live differently? Many of them are also on Medicare and are candidates for supplemental insurance.

People have the right to live the way they choose to live. But I am bothered by the almost exclusive portrayal of seniors in the same way they were portrayed 25 years ago.

Showing traditional seniors as the norm to the exclusion of the “new” productive young vibrant seniors perpetuates the stereotypical idea that traditional aging is the acceptable or only way to age. Worse, it gives midlifers a “license” and even a subliminal mandate to accept a traditional sedentary, non-productive lifestyle as they age.

In 'Don’t Stop the Career Clock' Dr. Helen Harkness defines the new stages of aging that many midlifers are adopting as their framework for living:

The media needs to acknowledge that “Harkness adopters” -- those in their “second midlife”, and the “young old” resent the out-dated, antediluvian portrayal of how “old” people are and how they live, and frankly, I don’t blame them. It’s time for corporate America and the advertising industry to catch up with reality. The earth is not flat and 75 is still young to those who don’t fit into the traditional “old” mold.

Sunday, December 24, 2006


Antiaging Skin Care Tips

It's a fact of life, no matter how much we try to deny it - as we get older, our body ages. It cannot be stopped. However it is possible to slow down the process a little, and minimize the effects of aging. Let's take a look at some antiaging skin care ideas.

Are you tired of being told that you should be exercising regularly? It keeps you fit, keeps your weight down, and keeps you healthy and so on. But did you also know it helps to keep your skin more elastic too? Add to that the usual advice about eating a healthy diet and dropping any harmful habits like smoking and drinking to excess, and you're on track for younger looking skin.

Although maintaining a healthy lifestyle will do a lot to keep your skin looking younger, you can still give your skin an extra helping hand. Nowadays there are so many antiaging skin care products on the market that it can make your head spin. The reality is that most of them can't live up to their outrageous claims about keeping you looking youthful forever, but that doesn't mean they don't work at all. If nothing else, they will help to hydrate the skin. Dry skin is one of the biggest risk factors for developing wrinkles, so a good antiaging skin care cream can certainly help to reduce the drying effects of the sun and pollution. If your skin has been particularly dry, an antiaging skin care cream may even help to "plump" up the skin with moisture and so reduce many fine lines and wrinkles.

Another important weapon in your fight against aging is sunscreen. The sun's rays are responsible for an enormous amount of damage to your skin, and most of the time it happens without you even knowing about it. It's important to spend some time in the sun, but you need to protect your skin while you're outside.

The sun dehydrates your skin, and by removing the moisture, allows the skin to wrinkle and age. The sun can also cause dark spots on the skin, thin the skin, create blemishes and can increase the size of the blood vessels in your skin. A number of these may develop into skin cancers over time. So protecting your skin with sunscreen does a lot to slow down the process of aging. Many antiaging skin care creams contain a sunscreen, so make sure you look for it when you're choosing your skin care products.

Finally, you need to use an exfoliating scrub to help reduce the effects of aging. A product that contains an exfoliating cream gently scrubs the skin, removing the layer of dead skin cells that builds up over time. By removing the dead skin cells, you help encourage the skin to grow new, healthy cells to replace them. Exfoliating also helps to unclog the skin pores, allowing the skin to breathe and look healthier.

Over a long period of time, your skin will age and you certainly can't turn back time. But that doesn't mean you have to let it happen any faster than it has to. Use of an antiaging skin care cream, sunscreen and an exfoliating scrub, together with a healthy lifestyle, can do an enormous amount to keep you looking younger as long as possible.


My Five Step Antiaging Product Routine To Delay The Aging Process

Choosing the best antiaging product eventually comes down to what suits your skin. There are different skin types to consider when coming up with a reliable antiaging routine and it took me a little trial and error to finally arrive at a regime that suited me. You'll need to do a little due diligence but in the end, the "legwork" you perform will be more than worth it.

Determining Your Skin Type

It's important to remember that all products are not created equal. If you are a little concerned about your skin reacting to various antiaging agents in some products then get some advice. Visiting a dermatologist might be a good option as they will be able to determine what you need to help your skin. A dermatologist report will help you steer clear of certain agents that could prove harmful particularly if you have sensitive skin.

An Antiaging Routine

As a television presenter, I eventually had to seek out an antiaging routine because I found that daily makeup combined with sitting under hot studio lighting was having an effect on the moisture aspect of my skin. Bear in mind that as a guy, deciding to search for an antiaging product routine was a big decision; it's not something one would discuss with his buddies down at the local pub. I sought advice from people who were qualified to make an assessment and this included nutrition experts and skin specialists.

Here is my five step process for combating the ravages of aging:

1. Nutrition... not just in the foods I eat but I take optimal amounts of nutrition in the shape of antioxidants and minerals. Look for a product that can provide the complete range of vitamins and minerals, not just in isolated doses.

2. Stick with a product once you find it doesn't have any adverse effects on your skin. Avoid jumping onto the latest skin care fad that comes along. If you are happy with a product why change? Changing to another brand could cause a reaction of sorts in your skin.

3. Use a combination of a daily cleanser, a toner, a protective emulsion with sunscreen capabilities and eye cream. These four products form the basis of my daily morning routine and I have to say, I have no complaints whatsoever. You'll need to get advice on what works best for you.

4. Some suggest using a night cream but I repeat the cleanser and toner applications combined with the eye cream and it suits me fine although I'm not suggesting that a night cream won't be suitable for you. This is a personal choice.

5. Once or twice a week, use an exfoliating process such as a mask which will help cleanse your skin and open up your pores.

Whatever antiaging product you decide on remember, if you are happy with it, resist the temptation to change it. A combination of a nutrition and skin care based routine is hard to beat.

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