Saturday, December 09, 2006


Is It Possible That Lifestyle And Health Behaviors Can Affect The Aging Process?

Many people feel life expectancy is all in our genes and the aging process is little affected by our living habits. However, several scientific studies have looked at the aging processes of twins who were reared together and apart to see what contributions genetics vs. living habits had toward longevity. In two famous twins’ studies it was found that aging was less related to genetic factors than to lifestyle and health behaviors. With the results of these studies we can with a fair amount of confidence feel that we can affect the aging process with our lifestyles and health habits.

We need to try and understand why we age. No one entirely understands why we age. Many of the theories of why we age propose the biological basis of aging. Many of the theories fit into two categories of aging theory:

• The first of these categories is stochastic theories of aging, which basically states that age is a result of random damage to cells and organs over time;
• The second category is programmed theories, which state the aging and death of cells is genetically determined.

A lot of studies demonstrate an association between excessive weight and shorter life spans. However, to say that the thinnest people live the longest has not been proven.

Studies do indicate that the lowest mortality rates are associated with a body mass index in the 21-22 range. To calculate your own BMI:

1. Convert your weight in pounds to kilograms by dividing your weight in pounds by 2.2.
2. Multiple your height in inches by 0.0254 to get your height in meters.
3. Multiply your height in meters by itself.
4. Divide the answer to #1 by the answer to #3.

In the New England Centenarian Study researchers investigated what helps people to live a long and healthy life by studying people who had successfully survive into “old old age.” The group of men and women studied had remained physically healthy and mentally alert well into their nineties. Among the personal attributes that were common to a great majority of these survivors were:

• Low levels of depression;
• Striking ability to cope with, and adapt to, stress and loss;
• High levels of intellectual stimulation;
• Frequent use of humor as a coping mechanism;
• High levels of social interaction and support;
• Nearly universal lack of obesity, excess alcohol, and smoking.

What can conclude and learn from the study and these successfully aged Bostonians? To a large extent it is possible that lifestyle and health behaviors can help us to escape the aging hardships of time and live longer lives.

There are a number of ways to promote active, independent life into late life and beyond. It is more in our control than we probably realize.

First of all secure yourself a trusted personal physician and make yourself his assistant/partner in your healthcare. Start with the following:

• Get the most out of your doctor visits. Advanced planning can help you get more out of your visit.
• Keep a personalized healthcare book. In your book list your symptoms. Doctors are trained to recognize disease states by the pattern of symptoms the disease creates.
• If your doctor visit is the direct result of an illness the question you want answered is: What is wrong with me? Your goal should be to help your doctor as quickly and effectively as possible answer this question. Before your visit list the following questions and answers:

1. How long has it been going on?
2. How has it changed over time?
3. What was the first thing you noticed?
4. What did it feel like?
5. What other symptoms appeared?
6. What were you doing at the onset of symptoms?
7. What made your symptoms worse?
8. What made your symptoms seem to get better?
9. When did the symptoms start (as related to a new medicine, stress or injury)?
10. Where did the symptom move?
11. Where did new symptoms appear next?

Another dreaded part of aging for many is losing memory. If you stop and think for a minute, without memory, we are pretty much lost to all things and activities around us. Many people believe senility is inevitable and are afraid when they experience memory problems. There are ways that can perhaps help us to fight or prevent this type of mental decline.

Some theories are that we can build brain reserve to keep our memories healthy and possibly delay dementia. It has been proven there is a lower incidence of dementia in highly educated people. Higher education probably does not prevent Alzheimer’s disease as there have been many brilliant people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.

Optimistic studies that look at the effects of aging on learning suggest that if elderly persons are taught to learn information in more efficient ways, using techniques such as categorization and patterning rather than rote learning, their information retrieval improves. It has long been understood and known that most old people maintain the same overall level of intelligence, but their ability to retrieve information stored in their memory changes. With the results of these new studies we can conclude elderly persons can be taught to learn in a different way to improve their memories.

Here are some ways to help you prevent memory loss:

• Maintain good health;
• Don’t smoke;
• Take an aspirin a day;
• Use alcohol in moderation;
• Take note of medication reactions;
• Maintain psychological health. Psychological health is important to optimal brain function. Depression and other psychological problems can produce a lack of motivation to engage in intellectual stimulation necessary to maintain good brain health.
• Ask your doctor about vitamin/herbal supplements;
• Stimulate your brain! This is probably the most important step of all. You need to actively stimulate your brain in a fun and enjoyable way throughout your older years. Practice the following methods of stimulating your brain:

1. Stimulate hearing by listening to music and talking with friends;
2. Stimulate your vision by reading, and enjoying art or new sights;
3. Stimulate your sense of smell by appreciating the smells of nature;
4. Motor senses: Stimulate your motor sense by physical activity.
5. Crossword puzzles are excellent brain challengers;
6. New activities such as learning to play a musical instrument or an art activity you have never tried before. Learn a new language.

Do something you have always wanted to do, but never had the time to do. You will find pleasure, increased social interactions and a renewed sense of achievement, which all stimulates better brain function.

And don’t forget about Albert Einstein who took up violin late in his life. Winston Churchill started painting. There is something everyone can find in life to stimulate brain function. Be adventurous, you have nothing to lose and only brain health to gain, which all contributes to a better memory in everyday life.


Brain Maintenance

An aging population is discovering that maybe the ol’ noggin might need extra help in staying fit. Is physical exercise enough to maintain a healthy brain? After all, what good is a toned body if the gray matter isn’t functioning properly? To aid the older American is this quest is an array of products -- from nutritional formulas with clever names like Brainstorm, Smart ALEC, and Mind Clear to software brands: Big Brain Academy, My Brain Trainer, Mindfit, and Thinkfast! While marketers claim diet supplements can increase blood flow and reverse changes caused by aging, the pitch from computer program manufacturers make the promise to strengthen reaction time, improve memorization, add mental agility, and improve quick decision-making skills. Prices for the software run from $40 to $395.

There are a lot of promises made by manufacturers of nutritional supplements and developers of “mind improvement” CDs. The great marketing push is underway to promote these items to the aging baby boomers, since many will opt to stay in the working world and forego retirement. These products offer a means to stay sharp, think quick, and perform with optimum efficiency. But before you start swallowing performance enhancing chemicals or turn your PC into a brain gym, there are a few facts you should know about the effectiveness of these products.

In the area of nutritional supplements, there is little proof that these products improve the functioning of the brain. In fact, many neuroscientists consider their use a form of superstition. Perhaps there will be a breakthrough for memory improving drugs, but at the present time these products have no effect on the aging brain.

What about those claims from software companies? Do these programs actually improve memory, quicken response time, and stimulate brain activity? Mental work-outs on a computer screen have little to do with maintaining a healthy brain. According to Timothy Salthouse, a professor of psychology at the University of Virginia, computer designed exercises accomplish very little for an aging society – and if you’re hoping that these products will prevent brain function decline – well, the answer is no.

So, how do we keep our brains in good working order? Decades of research point to factors that are directly related to mental fitness: physical activity and self-efficacy. Increase the blood flow to your brain and you will stimulate cell rejuvenation. This can be accomplished by taking brisk walks. Regular exercise can help nerve growth -- which can create denser branched neurons -- which in turn ward off disease of the brain. This keeps your brain in good working order.

Another essential factor for optimum brain health is self-efficacy? This is the key to maintaining a healthy brain. Self-efficacy is defined as the perception of ourselves. It is the “can do” attitude; the belief in one’s abilities and talents. When the individual is well grounded in the concept of achievement and accomplishment, the brain remains well. The brain responds to a stimulating environment, and thrives on novelty. An individual of self-efficacy will create the surroundings that provide these things. In contrast, the person that has not developed self-efficacy will accept any setting, even if it is detrimental for brain growth. Therefore, teaching motivation skills will enable the brain to react accordingly.

The wide selection of anti-aging drugs, nutritional supplements, and computer programs will continue to flood the market as the aging population continues to grow. However, knowing what really makes us good thinkers, has always been, and continues to be, within us; our self-efficacy.

Friday, December 08, 2006


Anti-Aging and Cosmetics

Many people fear the thought of growing old and I find it more apparent with women. Not to offend any body, to slow down the aging processes is a key factor in mind. However I believe that the awareness is growing and more people across the u.k are involved in this subject, As I believe that we are all afraid of growing old in some sense. The aging processes is something we cannot stop it is like an incurable disease plaguing us through life unfortunately.

There are a few things that we can be doing to slow these aging process down. I would like to tell you about them, One of the main things is to get a good sun screen, and eat well plenty of fruit and vegetables and a constant intake of water based fluids as well as fresh juices. You must also seek regular medical care because that is crucial to good skincare. Some people have there own methods of gaining healthy skin but I have three simple suggestions, that I find relevant to good skincare. A good anti wrinkle cream some thing with fresh hand made products and something that is exfoliating and soothing to the skin for example sugar scrub.

You also have to take a look at the soap you’re using because there are many soap that are not good for the skin because of the products that are put in them. One of the major culprits for causing bad skin is the sun. It causes the skin to go dry and dehydrated and also burns and destroys the natural properties of the skin. In my opinion it causes cancer and dark spots resulting in aging of the skin. You need too open your skin pours in order to achieve a good anti aging diet so to speak. And exfoliation of the skin is a key property to every body’s main fear which is growing old. After all it is important the skin gets regenerated so bad skin cells are made healthy. And this way all dry skin cells will be destroyed and the skin pours will be unclogged on a regular bases. These are some key attributes to healthy looking skin.


Are the Signs of Aging Reversible?

In a recent article by the American Academy of Dermatology (the largest, most influential and most representative of all dermatological associations), they state that antioxidants can slow or even reverse the signs of aging! In the article titled “Vitamins to Protect Against and Reverse Aging: The Truth vs. The Tall Tales”, they list known vitamins and minerals that have shown the ability to slow or even reverse the signs of aging. However, they state, “when used as a topical treatment (applied externally to the skin), very few are actually effective in preventing or reversing the signs of aging because they “contain very low doses of antioxidants and are not well absorbed by the skin.” They report that when taken orally (in the correct dosage) there is considerable benefit to the skin, which should not be discounted when considering supplements. These benefits include:

# Better elasticity of the skin
# Decreased wrinkles and
# Healthier looking skin

The article concludes by stating that: “Most people will get their recommended daily allowances (of the proper anti-aging nutrients) if they eat more than five servings of fruit, vegetables and juices, but we can all benefit from taking supplements.”

As noted above, the effectiveness of supplements in slowing the aging process is dependent the proper combination of ingredients used, and the dosage and most importantly, how well the body absorbs them. All three factors must be present to provide any real benefits. One of the measures of a supplement’s ability to be absorbed (hence utilized) by the body is the ORAC rating. The higher the ORAC rating, the easier it is for the body to absorb the supplements.

The Physicians Desk Reference said that of all the 83,000 supplements tested, VIBE is the nutritional supplement that has the highest ORAC rating. VIBE has an ORAC rating that is almost triple that of its nearest competitor. You can copy the link below to your browser for more details on VIBE:

If you are now taking or are even considering including nutritional supplements into your daily routine, why not choose one that improves your health and helps you keep that youthful appearance.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


How To Stay Looking Young For Longer

Are you looking into the different ways of delaying the ageing process? Would you like to keep your youthful looks for longer than the average person? I would have definately answered yes to both of the above questions and in this article I will write about how I plan to succeed in my goals and to avoid those horrible wrinkles until at least the age of eighty.

My name is Steve Hill and I am a city boy. I am from the second largest city in England called Birmingham and despite of being very proud of where I come from, I do not really enjoy the hussle and bussle of living there.

In reality I think that I may have been born in the wrong area, misplaced by God as it where. This is because I strive for a tranquil and peaceful life by the sea. I would say that at least one weekend in four is spent away from Birmingham in some type of seaside resort of England. My favourite area of the United Kingdom is Devon and I was fortunate to live their for six years when I was in my early twenties. I regularly go and visit some of old neighbours many of which are well past the age of retirement.

This is where I discovered what I believe is the secret to eternal youth as many of these neighbours look a lot younger than they actually are. People who live in my native Birmingham who are of a similar age look lets say a lot older than they actually are and look some what haggered.

My old neighbours from Devon love to take a relaxing stroll on the beach or promenade and their quality of life is what I think is helping them to delay their ageing process.

I am now planning my return to live in Devon as even though I am only thirty-three, I am already starting to get this haggered look, this however may also be because of my unruly children.


Toward Berry Good Aging

As Canadians live longer and pay more attention to diet and healthy lifestyles, those in middle to upper ages want to “add life to years”, not just years to life.

One way for aging well is to consume colour-rich plants (i.e., mixed vegetables, varied fruits and particularly different brightly coloured berries).

Why is coloring a good guide for food selection?

Science teaches us that vivid colours in plants like berries come from pigments provided by Nature to ward off pests and attract pollinators, helping to guarantee regeneration of the species.

Pigments have another important function for the plant. Located mostly in the outer layers, skin or rind, they fashion an antioxidant defensive shell against sun and radiation exposure which, if not prevented from forming free radicals, would oxidize cells, membranes, proteins and DNA.

Simply, pigments assure survival of the species by guarding against oxidative stressors in the plant's environment.

Fortunately for humans, eating colour-rich plants transfers that antioxidant benefit to us.

The French Paradox and Anti-Aging Benefits

Clinical studies have shown that French citizens who regularly consume red wine have unexpectedly low rates of neurological, inflammatory and cardiovascular disorders. This occurs despite their preference for high-fat foods that should promote these diseases.

How do they gain this protection?

Regular consumption of red wine is thought to provide sufficient quantities of grape antioxidant pigments that fight disease-promoting fats and other oxidizing factors.

Oxidative stress is the cell’s failure to balance and defend itself against production of oxygen free radicals which damage nucleic acids, carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Oxidative damage is particularly detrimental in the brain because its cells cannot be renewed.

Understanding the French paradox and its dependence on fruit antioxidants was a clue for other scientists to examine the value of berry consumption against typical aging and oxidative stress diseases.

Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Lou Gehrig's (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), visual decline, memory, motor and cognitive deficits, arthritis, diabetes and even cancer are likely to have some degree of oxidative stress at their origin.

Dietary choices of colourful foods and antioxidant benefits supplied by berries and other colour-rich plants may be an answer for lowering the risk of contracting such diseases. Although studies showing this benefit of colourful plants are only preliminary, the results are encouraging.

Berry Phenolics and the Brain

Berries (blueberries, blackberries, black raspberries, strawberries, among others), exemplify a familiar and popular plant group with varied colors.

Small, water-soluble chemicals called “phenolics” - the colour pigments from berry skin, pulp and seeds with tongue-twisting names like resveratrol, anthocyanin, quercetin, peonidin and malvidin - have antioxidant properties known to be valuable for human health.

Some of the most convincing laboratory research on the benefits of berry phenolics shows improvements in the following brain functions, revealing a possible link to inhibition of the aging process:

• Connectivity between brain cells responsible for cognition and memory
• Signaling capacity from neuron to neuron
• Motor control and balance
• Problem-solving ability
• Activity of key anti-inflammatory enzymes within the brain
• Uptake of phenolics specifically in brain regions responsible for mood (cerebral cortex), motor control (striatum, cerebellum), learning and memory (hippocampus)

Are There Specific Anti-Aging Benefits of Berries?

Consumption of berries and their antioxidant phenolics shows potential benefit against:

Alzheimer's Disease – In mice genetically bred to have brain amyloid deposits (Alzheimer's disease model), motor performance and neuronal signaling capacity did not decline further with age when berries were consumed regularly.

Memory Deficits – Studies in rats given berry preparations in their food showed improvements in learning and memory during specific field tasks.

Loss of Motor Control and Balance – Aged rats fed berries were able to perform agility tests better than their control-fed counterparts.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) – Antioxidant vitamins C and E combined with beta-carotene (a provitamin for vitamin A), zinc and copper – all nutrients found in berries – are the basis for commercial supplements prescribed by eye physicians to delay or prevent AMD, a blinding disorder of the elderly. Clinical trials have shown that these nutrients are effective in stopping the progression of AMD.

Cancer – Test tube studies have shown that berry phenolics can block the multi-step process of carcinogenesis at various stages: tumor initiation, promotion and progression, while stimulating the natural death rate of cancer cells, causing tumor cells to extinguish faster than normal.

The research to date is preliminary in these experimental results, but nonetheless promising for human health and anti-aging benefits gained from eating colourful plants like berries.

Why wait for the full scientific evidence of health benefits that these wonderful gems of summer can provide when regularly included in the diet?

Enjoy berries now, knowing that you are fortifying your body with Nature's nutrients and phytochemicals shown by early research to guard against oxidative diseases.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Exercise For People With Dementia

Dementia is common amongst elderly people and affects the memory, reasoning power and other cognitive functions. Patients suffering from dementia often find it difficult to carry out routine tasks such as driving, bathing, dressing and routine household chores. Dementia patients can improve the condition by following the prescribed exercise regimen suggested by a trained medical practitioner. Exercise may include brisk walking, swimming and aerobic exercises. The exercise helps in increasing the blood flow to the brain and the formation of new brain cells.

Aerobic Exercises

Aerobic exercises help in improving their general health, strengthening the hormone and immune systems and increasing blood flow to the brain. Patients can start with ten to twenty minutes of aerobic exercises, depending on fitness levels. The exercise duration can be increased gradually as the patient begins to experience a general feeling of wellness. Aerobic exercises may include jogging, cycling, swimming or any physical activity that rejuvenates the patient’s lungs and heart. Heavy aerobic exercises are however not recommended for dementia patients who have suffered a stroke in the past or have been diagnosed with heart related ailments.

Exercises in resistance and weight training:

Resistance or weight training exercises for dementia patients helps in building lean muscle mass and increasing metabolism. This helps in controlling blood sugar levels, which is very essential, especially for patients who are suffering from diabetes. Diabetes can complicate the existing condition of dementia, as increased blood sugar is harmful for human tissue and cells. Patients can start with lightweights and gradually shift to heavier options, as the body develops lean muscle mass. Initially they can exercise two to three times a week and then increase the frequency.

Flexibility and balance exercises:

The other exercises for dementia patients includes flexibility and balance routines that aim at strengthening the spine and muscles supporting the spine. They help the patients in improving general body co-ordination, which is difficult for the patient. The exercises help the patients to have a better sense of the surrounding space and environment. These exercises may include bending, stretching and tai chi to help in improving the mind-body co-ordination. The patients can take the guidance of a trained therapist, who will suggest the right movements and the frequency.


Dementia patients can also opt for alternative exercise forms such as dancing, which could be included in the aerobic exercise regimen. Dancing is a good option for people who find it boring to engage in weight training or the standard exercises. Dancing can be very beneficial for dementia patients as it combines the benefits derived from various forms of exercises such as aerobics and flexibility and balance exercises. Dancing can help dementia patients in reducing some of the mobility problems that arise due to the ailment.

Dementia is a disease that affects the normal functioning of the brain. It is important for the patients to regularly engage themselves in metal exercise apart from the physical exercises. Mental exercises may include solving puzzles, riddles or playing board games. Family and friends need to realize that love and affection are as necessary as exercise.


Cosmetic Acupuncture A Beautiful Thing

Today more and more Americans are expected to live healthfully into their 70’s, 80’s and beyond. With an increased life expectancy and great improvements in health, many women and men have turned their attention to looking as young as they feel. Billions of dollars are spent annually in the United States on anti-aging creams and cosmetics. Plastic surgery and Botox injections have moved out of the realm of the rich and famous and are increasingly used as a routine first line of defense for anyone looking to take a few years off their face.

There are many people, however, who find the invasive nature and risks associated with surgery or injections more than what they are willing to undergo to look younger. For those who are looking for a safer and more natural alternative, an ancient treatment is taking on a new spin. Lately, aging baby boomers have been turning to cosmetic acupuncture to look younger and improve their health at the same time.

In China, Cosmetic acupuncture was used as long ago as the Sung Dynasty, (960 AD-1270 AD) and was used by the Emperor’s concubines and the Empress herself. It involves the insertion of tiny needles on acupuncture points in the face and on points of the body. Based on the ancient principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, cosmetic acupuncture works to increase the circulation of energy and blood to the face. This increase in circulation causes more nutrients, collagen and elastin moving to the facial area. Cosmetic acupuncture also works to decrease stress and improve health, which also benefits the appearance of the face.

The effects of cosmetic acupuncture can vary, but may include a more even, glowing complexion, a decrease in fine lines and softening of wrinkles, diminished puffiness around the eyes, and a general lifting of the face, including jowls. In fact, in a 1996 study reported by the International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture, 90% of the 300 participants reported improvements, such as better complexion, diminished lines and wrinkles, and feeling rejuvenated overall. In addition, many people report other health benefits from cosmetic acupuncture, such as improved digestion, decreased stress, less menstrual discomfort, fewer hot flashes, decreased acne breakouts, and less TMJ symptoms, such as teeth grinding.

Almost anyone can benefit from cosmetic acupuncture, but in general, people in good health will see the most improvement in their skin. Smokers, people with poor digestion, and those who suffer from long-term depleting conditions should resolve their health issues before undergoing cosmetic acupuncture. In addition, cosmetic acupuncture may aggravate migraine headaches.

The drawbacks of cosmetic acupuncture include the fact that unlike the immediate effects of Botox or surgery, usually 10 to 12 acupuncture treatments are needed to see results. In addition, while the results are noticeable, they can be unpredictable as to where and how much improvement is achieved.

Many people who have never had acupuncture think of it as a painful therapy. In reality, most people who have had acupuncture would not describe it as painful. There may be mild discomfort when the needles are inserted and some points on the body and face are more sensitive than others. However, your practitioner can use various insertion techniques on those points to minimize sensation. Most people find acupuncture extremely relaxing, and some actually fall asleep while the needles are retained.

Cosmetic acupuncture is extremely safe. There is no risk of disfigurement and no recovery time associated with this procedure. Most clients go back to work after having cosmetic acupuncture feeling relaxed and refreshed. Because cosmetic acupuncture benefits your health and decreases stress while it improves your looks, it is considered a rejuvenating therapy in every sense of the word.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Anti Aging Exercise

There isn't any single anti aging exercise or workout schedule that will keep you looking and feeling younger for longer. Rather, the message that most health professionals are trying to tell us all is that regular exercise of any kind is the key to feeling young, lowering the risk of many diseases, avoiding weight gain, and maintaining physical ability into the senior years. When designing an anti aging strategy at any stage of life, exercise is one of two vital components. The other is a healthy diet.

Lack of exercise and aging go hand in hand. If you are inactive, you will lose muscle tone and strength, your cardiovascular fitness will suffer, and you will find yourself less able to participate in sports or do other things you used to enjoy. Your posture will likely suffer as muscles deteriorate, and you will begin to suffer from back pain. Your blood pressure may start to rise. A sedentary lifestyle can result in myriad different physical problems. Even people who are quite young can seem prematurely old if they suffer from these effects of inactivity - from this perspective, any activity is anti aging exercise.

As well, you can exercise slow aging and lower your risk of disease at the same time. Medical research tells us that regular physical activity lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease and some cancers. Many diseases associated with growing older can be avoided, controlled or even eliminated with regular exercise and aging apparently reversed - blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol can all come down to healthy levels. Anti aging exercise for these medical problems can be as simple as a brisk twenty minute walk every day. Strength training is also often recommended for arthritis, bone density, and circulation problems.

While you are concentrating on anti aging exercise, you'll be dealing with another potential problem: the tendency to gain weight as you grow older. It's a fact that people tend to gain weight once they reach middle age. It's a slow conversion of muscle mass to fat storage due to lower activity levels, a slowing of the metabolism, and hormonal changes. Decreased exercise and aging seem to irrevocably result in fat storage. But it doesn't have to be that way. Keep up your activity levels by engaging in sport, walking, biking, swimming or some other regular exercise. Even gardening, house cleaning, and trips to the store can be opportunities to get exercise. You'll stay trim and avoid health problems at the same time.

Can exercise slow aging? Clearly it can, and it's a long lasting benefit. Engage in sports, active leisure time activities, regular work outs or whatever interests you - it's all anti aging exercise. And not only will you fell better now but you will be investing in a healthy and physically able old age. Your bones will remain strong, your strength levels will stay up, your joints will stay flexible, and you outlook will be positive. Get regular exercise and aging will seem like a normal comfortable process. Not only can exercise slow aging - it can improve your health and emotional well being in so many ways.


Living Well to 100 What Does it Take?

What would it take to live to 100—in good health? An international consortium of researchers recently met at Tuft's University to try to figure it out. The second "Living Well to 100" conference attracted heavy-hitters from every corner of medical research—cardiovascular medicine, endocrinology, nutrition, obesity management, experimental genetics, sleep research, and more. After two days of research presentations on every aspect of the aging process, panelists were asked to consider: What are the top five things we should do if we want to live well to 100?

You might be surprised at the answers. It’s not about expensive medical interventions, drugs, or futuristic technology. According to the best available research, it all comes down to a few simple habits—things we all can do.

In the market for a New Year’s Health Resolution? Here are the five that will give you the biggest bang for your buck.

1. Maintain a healthy body weight. Here’s a shocking fact: Americans now have the lowest life expectancy of all developed countries. The reason? Two out of three Americans are overweight, which leads directly to increases in deaths from heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Maintaining a healthy body weight is not just about looking good. It is literally a matter of life and death. It’s also the number one step you can take to ensure a longer, healthier life.

2. Eat an anti-inflammatory diet. Inflammation as a root cause of aging and disease was a constant refrain at the Tuft’s Living Well to 100 Conference. Whether or not you need to lose weight, the research overwhelmingly indicates that an anti-inflammatory diet is the healthiest way to eat, leading to lower risk of cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, osteoporosis, and complications from obesity and diabetes. For more information on an anti-inflammatory diet, google 'Mediterranean Diet' or visit

3. Exercise most days. Did you know that twelve weeks of exercise can reverse 12 years of aging? That’s how critical physical activity is to healthy aging. There are two important components to exercise: cardiovascular and strength training. To get the anti-aging benefits of exercise, you need both. That means getting your heart rate up moderately high for 20-30 minutes almost every day, and doing some sort of weight or resistance exercise once or twice a week. Those who do these two things stay healthier and live longer. It’s as simple as that.

4. Get enough sleep. The less you sleep, the lower your life expectancy. It’s that simple. Our society glorifies those who burn the candle at both ends. But those who joke, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead,” will probably get their chance a little sooner than they think. Aim for at least 7-8 hours for sleep every night.

5. Believe. It doesn’t seem matter in what you place your faith. Having a belief system or philosophy that sustains you through ups and downs of life and provides a source of meaning and purpose is one of the most effective longevity habits. And that’s hard science.

Monday, December 04, 2006


Natural Face Lift – Restylane For Natural Youthful Skin Instantly

Restylane is a natural facelift treatment that has been used by millions of women worldwide to get a more youthful appearance.

Restylane is a great alternative to Botox or plastic surgery is natural and safe. Let’s look at why Restylane is becoming more popular than ever.

The Treatment

Restylane is a gel made from hyaluronic acid (HA)

This water acting substance is present in everyone’s skin already and the treatment simply boosts the moisturizing affect.

So, it’s natural and safe and this is hugely appealing to most women.

When injected into the skin it is known as SubQ and moisturises the skin from the inside

It is used to soften lines and wrinkles and is injected into any areas that need improvement.

It can be used on the skin but is also frequently injected into the lip areas as well to plump them up, in this form is known as Restylane Lipp.

Finally it can be used on the cheekbones, where it is called SUBQ.

It is a very flexible treatment and adds volume to the face to soften lines, wrinkles or stress an area i.e plumping up the lips.

How long does it last?

This all depends on each individual.

How much is injected, how much that area of the face moves and the person’s genetic makeup.

For example, a cheek treatment will tend to last a year or more, mouth lines around six months and the lips may be just a few months.

In addition to the above we are all unique and we all break down hyaluronic acid at different rates so every case is different.

Why use it?

Unlike Botox and other treatments, it is totally natural with no side effects.

It simply boosts the amount of hyaluronic acid in the skin.

Because its natural you look natural (this cannot be said for botox or many facelifts) you can roll back the years, look beautiful and not worry that you will suffer in anyway from side effects.

Just like treatments like Mestotherapy the attraction of Restylane is it allows you to look younger in a totally natural way.

Ok it doesn’t last for ever but regular treatments will keep you looking young and with sessions at around $700.00 its affordable and a great way to look better.


Stay Forever Young - Don't Retire

Retirement is the ugliest word in the language - Ernest Hemingway

Growing old has more to do with one’s mental attitude rather than the physical deterioration of the body. Therefore, staying forever young is all in our minds. Let me put that another way – you will never be old unless you think you are old. That’s right – you have a choice to live a life that is filled with energy, vivaciousness and activity, or you may simply move on to the great pasture known as rest and relaxation. The decision for your retirement style is upon you as more articles and books appear in the media aimed at the large generation of future retirees. The major focus is on the financial aspect; how to save more, how to invest wisely, and how to diversify your retirement funds. There is little emphasis, however, on what retirement actually means. The best way to associate a word is to look for its description in the thesaurus and the dictionary. The following is a list of words that describe retirement: departure, withdrawal, retreat, sequestration, seclusion, privacy, removal, solitude. Do these words have a positive ring to them? One might concur that perhaps this style of living is detrimental.

A youthful outlook is often stimulated by our connection to the larger world around us. The innate desire to intermingle with our fellow citizens -- to interact on a daily basis in some form of productive work is the key to good health and longevity. Today’s retirees often find that leisure can be a poor replacement for the invigorating environment of problem-solving and team effort. This natural tendency to be connected to our work is a means for development, no matter what our physical age might be. There is truth in the old adage keep growing or die. To be cut off from the surroundings that make growth possible is the reason a majority of retirees find themselves isolated and depressed. To fight this isolation, many decide to flock together with other retirees.

What happens when older Americans create their own communities, and become residents in an environment specifically for their age group? Perhaps there is security in uniformity -- the familiarity of other retirees can be a safe haven against the outside world – but these retirement communities do not solve the problem of personal growth, which is the most important factor that keeps us forever young. The only environment that is conducive to individual development is found in general society, which provides diversity, vitality, and dynamism. And the connection to this world is often through employment.

Why do we choose retirement? We often underestimate our talents and abilities due to social conditioning. Today there is an imaginary cut-off date when individuals are no longer needed. Most of us are familiar with the number sixty-five because that is the year our Social Security benefits become available. But in reality, this is all an illusion. Social Security is a government-run system, created in 1935 to placate the population after the financial crash of 1929. The life span during those years was pretty close to sixty-five, and therefore the payout was pegged to that number. If we go back into the history of this country, the concept of retirement just didn’t exist. Why? Perhaps this is because we were all WORKING, and being productive members of SOCIETY. For example, in 1880 the majority of men over age 64 were WORKING – today, the majority of men over 64 are RETIRED. The life expectancy for males in 1880 was 50 years old. Looks like the working man in 1880 outlived his life expectancy.

Today, our generation is bombarded with reports written by financial advisors for the soon-to- be retiree; we worry about our 401ks, IRAs, Social Security, and home equity. This is all happening even before we have reached the half-century milestone. Perhaps it is time to stop concentrating on retirement and place our thoughts into what makes us old in the first place. If all our time is spent thinking of growing old, then we will become old. If we constantly focus on the “end” days, with expectations of fear and deprivation, then our lives will be filled with these things. This generation has the opportunity to literally “change the world”. But first, we must change our thoughts away from security and toward individual freedom. When you change your thinking, you never grow old.

Sunday, December 03, 2006


Is Green Tea A Healthy Aging Product

Drinking green tea is healthy aging alternative. Many scientists believe that aging can be slowed if free radicals are corralled before they produce too much peroxide.

This can be accomplished with plenty of antioxidants and green tea contains the highest level of antioxidants you can find.

Drinking green tea may help us fight aging even more effectively than taking vitamins C and E, since the catechins have been shown to be stronger antioxidants (far stronger, in some cases) than either vitamin E or vitamin C. Hence, a great anti-aging supplement.

One of the common and painful accompaniments to aging is osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis may be lessened by drinking green tea, since it's a good source of bioflavonoids.

Bioflavonoids help to keep the collagen ( an important part of the cartilage matrix) strong and resistant to inflammation.

They also prevent free radical damage and help to heal damaged tissue following injury.

Most health experts agree that the "free radical theory of aging" holds the most promise for understanding - and slowing - the aging process.

Free radical "hits" on cells and their essential components accumulate over time, producing the signs and symptoms of aging: premature death, heart disease, cancer, dimming, cognitive decline, cataracts. and wrinkles.

There are many ways that green tea's polyphenols improve the quality of a person's health and extend the health span.

Older people are eating less food. They are less active. Since they have more sedentary lifestyles, they're likely to eat less -- and that means that they probably don't get enough nutrients.

One reason for believing in green tea's life-enhancing qualities is the typical life span enjoyed by green tea loving populations, including many of the Asian countries.

The Asian secret to a longer, healthier life (and healthy aging) appears to lie in dietary choices. Asian diets are well known for what they don't contain: they are low in fat, meat, refined sugar, and grains. More specifically, what's brewing in Asian teapots accounts for at least part of the secret to Asian longevity.


Anti-Aging Woes and Tips to Help Us Along

According to the American Academy of Anti-aging Medicine the three basic rules of anti-aging medicine are:

• Don’t get sick;
• Don’t get old;
• Don’t die!

Well, I like all three of those rules and I think if you think about it for a moment, you will too. In this article I hope to help us a long a little bit on the subject of Anti-Aging.

If you take good care of your physical and mental self you will the better your chances are for living longer and able to utilize the latest biotechnological advancements to live even longer.

Try to speed up your metabolism and retain muscle mass. As we age muscle mass is lost at a much faster rate, and typically our metabolism slows down. Keeping a handle on these two items, metabolism rate and loss of muscle mass is a huge accomplishment when it comes to anti-aging techniques. Lean body mass helps keep your metabolism going strong. Housework and household chores are good for you! Studies have shown people between the ages of 34 and 59 who began to engage in heavy gardening or heavy housework became the least likely to die a premature death. This is just one more reason to give myself an extra boost of motivation toward those dreaded, routine and boring household chores. I am a desk and keyboard junkie!

I am continually trying to find a way to get all my household chores done by someone else. Could this be because as a child I was never “allowed” or “demanded” or “taught” to engage in household chores? I think to a degree, yes it is. I feel without a doubt all children in the household should be given a fair amount of the daily chores to be done in a household. I was a child who grew up thinking my only vocation was to play with the latest Barbie Dolls, paper doll cut-outs, or just any kind of childhood game. I feel I have suffered as a result of that type of “pampering.” I now feel all my household chores should be instantly done by someone else, but guess what, that someone else, which was my parents are not here to wash my dishes, clean my ceiling fans, etc.

Fortunately I was interested in nutrition, fitness and good health or else I would not engage in exercise either. All these topics seemed like areas of “play,” so they were apart of my “playtime” rather than “work time,” and therefore acceptable activities for me. I worked out continuously riding my bike around and around the little church that sat next door………..That all paid off……now at age 50, I still have fairly muscular legs, good bones and joints (I think)!

One of the first and most important steps you can take to help you live longer is to engage in early detection and regular screenings for health problems. By doing so you will receive the first opportunities to identify, prevent and intervene effectively in disease processes.

Secondly, optimum physical health will help to keep the waistline taut, the hairlines from receding and the skin of a physically healthy person will retain a youthful suppleness and glow as a person ages. Many Americans first see an anti-aging physician for vanity reasons not even realizing that how they look is a direct statement of how their body’s systems, organs, tissues and cells are functioning. Therefore, a qualified anti-aging physician, which should be a physician certified by the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine (ABAAM), can help you improve your health and well-being. This in turn will improve what you see in the mirror. So before you turn to plastic surgery to rid yourself of those age lines, seek the advice of a certified American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine Physician first. What good will it do you to erase those lines with plastic surgery when there is something more serious going on inside the body that may end your life sooner than it should be.

The University of Illinois researchers studied brain scans of men and women age 55+ and found that those who regularly worked out lost significantly less brain tissue as they aged than those who exercised rarely or not at all. So…..this certainly should be some proof to us that working out can keep our memory strong and prevent the loss of cognitive function (which is a great fear of mine personally). I think I must hurry and finish this article as the desk and keyboard junkie I am and get out on a routine walking schedule again.

A qualified anti-aging physician is more keenly interested in the long-term whole-body physical, mental, and spiritual health of patients. They will utilize innovative diagnostics and therapeutic interventions to detect, prevent, and treat aging-related diseases, which as just stated, should make you look and feel better than if you used something cosmetically to erase the aging signs.

Finding Helpful Anti-Aging Information and Locating a Qualified Anti-Aging Physician:

If you have heard that anti-aging medicine is solely a hormone replacement therapy (HRT), this is not true at all. Anti-aging medicine is a multidisciplinary approach to whole-body wellness and longevity, incorporating a variety of treatments as medically appropriate.

A word of warning: If you do decide to go with hormone replacement therapy, be sure your doctor uses only natural, bio-identical hormones (BHRT). The reason for this is that BHRTs have the same chemical structure as their counterparts that occur naturally in the human body, which makes them able to fully replicate the original functions with little or no adverse side effects.

Important steps to follow if you decide to go with hormone replacement are:

• Be your sure your doctor first tests for your baseline levels;

• Your doctor also needs to explain to you safe target increases to achieve youthful levels;

• Your doctor needs to monitor you every 3-6 months.

If you need a reliable partner in achieving optimal fitness and health, an anti-aging physician, certified by the American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine or health practitioner credentialed by the American Board of Anti-Aging Health Practitioners is your best choice.

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