Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Exercise Your Face to Look Healthier & Younger

Do you have a problem area on your face that you would like to change? Double chin, droopy eyes, jowls, pouches, crows feet or marionette lines? Aging is as sneaky as sun damage and it seems that in a twinkling of an eye, your face can look so different that you might wonder just who is that person staring back at you in the mirror?

Could facial exercise be the answer to the age old question –“Can I maintain a youthful appearance?” Must I spend my children’s inheritance to stave off Mother Nature’s footprints across my face?

You can certainly turn back the clock with facial exercise that employs resistance and isometric contractions of the muscles using the thumbs and fingers. This doesn’t mean that you will look sixteen or even twenty again but shaving off ten or fifteen years from your appearance with exercise rivals the results of most plastic surgery procedures.

Plastic surgery techniques do not stop the aging process; muscles in the face continue to make their downward slide dragging the skin unnaturally, creating the need for more and more surgical procedures. With exercise, the muscles become stronger, the skin looks revitalized and lifted. Most importantly, facial exercises can be performed inexpensively at home.

The muscles of the face elongate just like the muscles in your arms, thighs and buttocks; in fact, the muscles in the face will have elongated about one-half inch by the time most people have reached the age of 55. The elongation is the result of atrophy of the muscles and gravity. Even though we talk, sing or laugh, the muscles continue to soften and become lax; it’s only when the facial muscles are specifically exercised do they begin to plump up and support your skin better.

The elongation of facial muscles affects every area of your face. For instance, the “apples” in your upper cheeks may not be positioned prominently, in fact, when a smile is made, rather than seeing fullness high on the cheeks, the muscles may appear flat and midway between the nose and mouth.

If you add one-half inch to the length of your forehead, your eye area suffers because the downward motion compresses into the brows. What happens if you add one-half inch or more to the area under the chin? The dreaded wattle is developing. One-half inch added to the jaw line means jowls are forming.

Beginning a facial exercise program to sculpt and contour the face may seem daunting at first because the movements and positioning feel somewhat awkward. Remember when you first learned to ride a bicycle? It was so scary! But after a few days of lumps and bumps, you were pedaling like you were a pro. It’s the same with facial exercise, once you become familiar with the movements, you will marvel that these simple steps can easily produce a younger looking face.

You will want to take beginning photos before you start a facial exercise regimen so that you can track your progress and you will want to update your photos at the end of every third week. In about three weeks friends and colleagues will begin noticing that something is definitely different about you. They may think you have changed your hair in some way or that you are sleeping better but you will know what they’re seeing is your pretty face returning.

In hardly any time at all, you will notice how smooth and refreshed your skin looks; your face glows with radiance from increased oxygenation to the muscles and those sagging, droopy muscles are now portraying a more youthful looking you. Without surgery, drugs or anything harmful you can turn back the clock and look at least 10-15 years younger.


Treating and Curing Wrinkles

Why is it that practically everyone in the middle class to the upper levels of demographics in any country are worried about getting wrinkles? Maybe it’s the fear of getting old or looking old, or the wanting to look socially acceptable, or just plain vanity. We all have our own reasons. But whatever it is, everyone is united in wanting to solve this age old problem. However, in the first place, do we even have any idea about what actually causes these dreaded wrinkles? It’s highly probable that we don’t. The most important factor in finding a solution to any problem is finding out the root cause of it.

As we age, our body undergoes various changes, and so does our skin. In our skin, we have tissues known as collagen and elastin. These tissues are mainly responsible for making our skin firm and stretchable. As we grow older, the amount of collagen and elastin in our skin naturally diminishes. As a result, our skin becomes less elastic and weaker, thus creating “wrinkles”. Experts say that the amount of wrinkles that a person will develop through the years also depends on the genetic make up of this individual. However, smoking, sun exposure, dry skin, and repetitive facial expressions and mannerisms such as frowning, can all enhance the creation of wrinkles that may or may not be permanently present.

Over the years, beauty experts and skin doctors have come up with a vast array products to treat and minimize wrinkles. Anti-wrinkle creams and ointments help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and prevent new ones from forming. These wrinkle ointments and anti-aging creams help a lot in restoring the skin's firmness and elasticity. In addition, these products contain anti-oxidants and retinol that not only aids in reducing wrinkles and fine lines on the skin, but also stimulates collagen production.

For people seeking solutions to severe damage that has already been done to the skin, there are a number of treatments available ranging from chemical peels and dermabrasion to the latest and technologically advanced, computerized laser resurfacing. However, many people looking for skin repair are hesitant to try chemical or laser peels due to the painful procedure and long recuperation period they have to undergo. The results of these procedures however, are fantastic.

One less painful procedure is the particle skin resurfacing procedure. Dr. John Studd MD, plastic surgeon at the Hale clinic explains ” The process is removes the outer layer of skin in a highly controlled manner. Because of its preciseness, it is practically painless. By repeating this procedure a number of times, the younger skin moves to the surface, thus promoting visible changes in the skin’s texture, color and appearance. The benefits of this skin resurfacing procedure are that it causes very little pain or discomfort, no recuperative period is needed, there is minimal risk, it can be used for all skin types, and no anesthesia is required. “

The important thing to remember when seeking out treatment for your wrinkles is to know first how your body can possibly react to the treatment. Get in touch with a skin doctor for things that you are not sure of, but are contemplating on trying out.


IPL or Intense Pulsed Light Therapy - The Gentle Alternative for Wrinkles

Laser treatments have come a long way since they first appeared in the mid nineties. IPL - also called Flashlamp, MultiLight or Photo Laser - can perform minor miracles on sun damaged skin (photoaging) anywhere on the body, but most significantly on the face and hands.

IPL is a safer option than tradition laser resurfacing and is commonly used for facial hair removal, removal of birth marks and even tattoo removal. What we are mainly concerned with here, however, is skin resurfacing. Skin resurfacing can eliminate fine lines, spider veins and pigmentation and significantly reduce deep lines and acne scarring.

Broad spectrum light is a lot more gentle on the skin and the risk of burning or blistering is significantly reduced. So much so that IPL can even be used for the treatment of redness and rosacea. Many patients have also noticed a reduction in pore size and a smoother skin.

The benefits are ongoing too. IPL stimulates the skin to produce more collagen, plumping out the skin and making it appear younger.

IPL usually needs more that a single treatment and may need four and as many as six treatments for the full effect to be realized. Because of this, there are no “dramatic” effects after one treatment which makes it a great alternative for those who don’t want to be conspicuous.

For this reason it’s very popular with males who would rather die than admit to any form of facial rejuvenation!

Because the treatments are gentle, there is also minimal, if any, down time. Wonderful for those busy people on the go.

IPL is also much safer for dark skinned people than traditional laser treatments as it doesn’t cause as much loss of pigment, although this is still a risk.

The deeper the treatment, the more the benefits are increased, but this has to be balanced against the increased risk of burning. Always select an experienced practitioner and ask to see photos.

Side effects? A pink face for a while and possible loss of pigment in the deeper IPL treatments. You will need to treat your skin gently and use a high UV sunscreen (15+ or more)

IPL will not work on natural aging such as sagging skin. Only a face lift or neck lift can improve this. There is a non surgical procedure called “thermage” which may help and of course the “thread lift” which is gaining in popularity and which will give some "lifting" effect.


How To Look Younger By Eating Fats

If you think that cutting off all the fat from your diet is going to make you look better, think again. A move like that could age you faster instead.

Your skin and hair needs fat in order to stay healthy. Radiant skin, healthy skin that glows from within is impossible if you do not eat enough fat in your diet. Strong, beautiful, healthy hair is impossible if you totally eliminate fat from your diet.

The crux of the matter is this. You need to eat fat in order to have healthy skin and hair. Healthy skin and Healthy hair is beautiful.

The fat I'm talking about isn't the unhealthy, cholesterol-ridden fats you find around your steak or your bacon or the butter you might spread on your bread. I'm talking about healthy fats. The sort you would find in nuts and seeds, in cold pressed vegetable oils like olive oil and in olive fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines.

Hard to believe?

Not if you look at the nutrients found in foods containing the good fats. Take cod liver OIL for example. That is taken as a supplement because of its vitamin D content. How about evening primrose OIL taken for its GLA or gamma-linolenic acid. A fatty acid that is used to build cell membranes. Both omega-3 and omega-6 fats work together to keep your skin soft and velvety. They help your skin stay hydrated.

Your body needs essential fatty acids. EFAs help your body process the food to release the energy needed for your life processes. They are important in the transfer of oxygen in your body as well as the regulation of nutrients in and out of the cells among other things.

Your body in particular needs Omega-3 fats. Yes, you also need the omega-6 fats which are plentiful in your regular diet. Omega-6 fats are found in corn oil, safflower oil and canola oil. Omega-3 fats aren't that common in most diets. You can get the necessary omega-3 fats by eating walnuts and eating oily fish. Fish oils are rich in omega-3 fats too.

You should take olive oil. Use that in your salads. It is rich in monosaturated fatty acids. It is rich in antioxidants like vitamin E. In fact, most vegetable oils contain vitamin E. Almond oil and wheatgerm oil are also rich sources of vitamin E.

Vitamin E is an anti-oxidant. Anti-oxidants neutralize the free radicals that would otherwise damage your skin cells, aging you more quickly. Consuming nuts, seeds and oils that are rich in vitamin E protects you from the aging effect of these free radicals by neutralizing the free radicals before they can cause damage.


Understanding Aging Skin and Wrinkles

We’ve all seen the pictures of elderly men and women whose skin shows the wear and tear of aging. While wrinkles may be considered a sign of wisdom and experience, most of us would rather not have them. Wrinkles may look cute and cuddly on a Sharpei but they aren’t so appealing for those of us who have to look at ourselves in the mirror on a daily basis.

Wrinkles and other signs of aging can appear just about anywhere on the human body however; they tend to be more prevalent in areas that have had extensive exposure to the sun. The most common breading grounds for wrinkles tend to be the face, hands, forearms, and neck. There are several categories of skin wrinkles including fine lines, surface lines, and deep furrows. Anti wrinkle treatments are generally most effective on fine lines. Deep creases typically require more drastic measures to correct.

So what causes wrinkles anyway? Wrinkles tend to develop with age as skin looses Elastin or the fibers that give skin its elastic quality and help to hold in moisture. The loss of Elastin along with a protein called Collagen in the middle layer of human skin (Dermis) allows the skin to gradually become thinner and begin to sag. There are a variety of contributing factors including exposure to the sun, smoking, heredity, and skin type. Some of these factors such as heredity and skin type are currently beyond our control forcing us to focus on those areas where we can make an impact. First and foremost; do not smoke. Smoking has been proven to increase wear and tear on the skin and lead to premature signs of aging. If you are currently a smoker; quit. It’s never too late to start making the right decisions and to begin promoting healthy skin. Second, avoid excessive exposure to the sun. Ultraviolet light is known to be damaging to the skin and can speed the aging process. This includes self tanning parlors where users are exposed to concentrated UV light for even short to moderate periods of time. When you are going to be outdoors, be sure to protect your skin with a sunscreen with an SPF rating of at least a 15. Be sure to reapply often if your plans include swimming or exercise.

OK, that’s all fine and dandy you say but “What can I do about the wrinkles I already have?” There are several potential solutions available ranging from painful injections and complicated cosmetic surgeries to topical creams and moisturizers that can help reduce the appearance of existing wrinkles. Anyone considering cosmetic treatments for existing wrinkles should consult a medical professional so that they may be informed about the risks and expenses involved with cosmetic surgery. For those of you who may be looking for less painful and less expensive alternatives, there are still many viable options. Keeping your skin clean and moist is perhaps one of the easiest and least expensive actions you can take to reduce the appearance of fine lines. Staying properly hydrated is another important aspect of proper skin care. Following these simple steps can help keep the signs of aging in check. If you would like to go a step beyond basic skin care to go on the offensive against wrinkles, you may want to look into some of the newer topical facial creams that have come on the market. Some of the very best ones are listed in medical publications such as the Physicians Desk Reference and have clinical trial data to back up their results. Many products on the market will claim to reduce wrinkles but you must seek out products that can support their claims.

Friday, February 23, 2007


Arthritis - Its Debilitating and Detrimental Effects

Did you know that Arthritis is one of the most disabling diseases? It’s true! Arthritis currently affects more than 40 million Americans and that figure is expected to rise to 60 million by the year 2,020. It is imperative that you read this article and find out what this devastating disease is truly about.

Arthritis: What it Is

Basically, Arthritis is inflammation of the joints. There are currently over 100 forms of Arthritis and remarkably, that number continues to rise. The most common forms of Arthritis include: Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Gout (see our next article, “Symptoms of Arthritis” for more information). Osteoarthritis is the result of degenerative joint disease, or simply “wear and tear” on the joints. Rheumatoid Arthritis is the result of an over active Immune System that results in inflammation. Gout is the oldest form of Arthritis and is the result of too much Uric Acid. The Uric Acid deposits crystals in the joints, leading to “Gouty Arthritis”. The joint pain, inherent to all Arthritis sufferers, is referred to as “Arthralgia”. Not only are the joints susceptible to attack, but the surrounding muscles, tissues, and organs are vulnerable to the effects of Arthritis as well. In fact, Arthritis has been known to attack the heart, kidneys, lungs, and liver.

Many people mistakenly believe that Arthritis is a disease that only affects the elderly. This simply isn’t the case. Yes it’s true that seniors, especially senior women, are effected the greatest by Osteoarthritis, yet the average age for onset of Arthritis is 47 years old, and sufferers are generally afflicted between the ages of 20-50. Sadly, even infants have been diagnosed with forms of Arthritis.

One of the most devastating effects of Arthritis has to be that it is a chronic condition. Arthritis is so weakening that it only grows worse with time. In fact, Arthritis is so detrimental that of the diseases that instill chronic physical disabilities, Arthritis is second only to Heart Disease.

The cost of Arthritis is not only measured in the loss of quality of life, but it is also measured by dollars and cents as well. It is estimated that over $150,000 is lost by an individual over the course of a lifetime due to the debilitating effects of Arthritis. This is totaled by lost wages, medical treatments, and the cost of medically based needs and care.

The overall conclusion is that Arthritis is a seriously unbearable condition that causes chronic pain and weakness. It does not only affect seniors, but forms of Arthritis also plagues children. There are over 100 forms of Arthritis and all Arthritis sufferers share one thing in common, chronic joint pain. The top three common forms of Arthritis include Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Gout. We have seen that Arthritis isn’t cured, but managed.

Some steps and treatment plans used by Arthritis sufferers include:

· Losing Weight (thereby reducing stress and strain on the joints)

· Increasing their Nutritional Intake

· Reducing Stress (both physical and emotional)

· Participating in Gentle Stress Free Exercises such as Stretching

· Using both Hot and Cold Therapies

· Protecting Joints by use of Splints and Braces

· Drug Therapies

· Surgery

If you suffer from Arthritis, don’t give up. There are many people who are discovering that with the proper management and health care provisions, they can live better, healthier, and pain free lives.


Live Longer With Exercise

Many recent studies show that people die from inactivity, not just from aging. We know that as people age, they lose muscle, their immunities weaken and because of their weakened immunity, they are more likely to die of cancer and infectious diseases. As you age, you lose your ability to kill germs because of lack of muscle. When germs get into your body, you must make white blood cells and proteins called antibodies to kill them. Antibodies and cells are made from protein and the only place that you can store extra protein is in your muscles. When you have large muscles, you have a ready source of protein to make antibodies and cells. When you have small muscles, you have a very limited source of amino acids to make protein, so your immunity may be inadequate for its job of killing germs.

You need antibodies to control cancer cells also. Each day, every healthy body makes millions of cancer cells. Your white blood cells and protein antibodies are necessary to ferret out and kill these cancer cells. You develop cancer when these cancer cells survive and start growing. Having large muscles gives you the source of protein to make antibodies that kill cancer cells as well as germs. Furthermore, when your skeletal muscles are small, so is your heart muscle. A strong heart can withstand arteriosclerosis and infections that can kill a weak heart.

Lack of exercise causes muscles to get smaller. With aging, it takes increasingly longer to recover from exercise. When older people get injured or get tired too soon or feel sore too early, they do less and less or they stop exercising altogether. Instead, they should be exercising more intelligently so they can retain their muscles. A major advantage of competing in sports at any age is that you can learn good training techniques and how to avoid injuries. If you can exercise into your nineties and beyond without quitting or getting injured, you can retain muscle mass, keep up your immunity and live longer and healthier.


Healthy Aging: Activity Provides Anti-Aging Therapy

Activity Keeps You Young
When your doctor is unable to find a reason for the cause of your ailment or discomfort, the doctor may consider the problem as being "all in your head." In a sense, most ailments are if you consider that your mental state greatly influences your physical condition. Your thoughts have such a strong effect upon your body that they can powerfully contribute to the aging process.

Aging is a disturbing and confusing issue that concerns all of us. When our thoughts, fears and stress are out of control, our bodies suffer from the resultant negative impact. What complicates matters is that the mind doesn't just exist within the brain; it is present in the form of DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) within every cell of the body.

DNA is a master processor of information for the entire body and therefore stresses and strong emotions have a bearing upon this processing. DNA is a force in nature that does not age or perish, and its mysteries may hold key answers about the aging process.

Slowing Down the Aging Process
DNA is indestructible; therefore, why should aging take place? By thinking of ourselves as only physical beings, we will continue to age because our mind reinforces physical limitations. We associate our identity or existence to an ever-aging physical body.

A human being's essence is energy. Physicists have determined energy to be the basis of matter which comprises our bodies and all things physical. We draw energy from the calmness of our inner selves.

Calm Your Mind to Calm Your Body
Focused, mental calmness is the initial step to protect cells from the ravages of stress and aging. Consuming natural foods and beverages is the next step that enables the cells to maintain their integrity, strength, and durability. By using a deep cleansing supplementation program, the cells' circuitry will retard the aging process.

Since we all choose to nourish our bodies and minds differently, our physical conditions and appearances will vary greatly at the same chronological age. This also affects the development of so-called diseases we anticipate with the aging process.

If you desire to feel younger and healthier, your mind will assist you. The mind provides you with intuitive knowledge about whether you are helping or harming yourself with your lifestyle and eating choices. Because the mind electromagnetically instructs every cell. It is a master healer. Your chronological age is unalterable - but your biological age is determined by how you live your life.

Studies prove that consistent calmness for a few minutes per day can add years to a person's life. Peaceful contemplation, meditation, or prayer allows the body to be still and the mind to slow down. A rested mind facilitates the release of DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) from the adrenal glands.

A Calm Mind Increases Your DHEA Levels
DHEA, a steroid hormone released by the adrenal glands that may be related to longevity, holds great potential in retarding the aging process. It is a naturally occurring hormone that measures its highest in people who are in their mid-twenties. There is a continuous decline of DHEA to approximately 5% in a person's early seventies.

DHEA occurs at higher levels for those people who choose to focus and relax their minds while eliminating disturbing thoughts during this process. Scientific research of these individuals has proven decreased rates of diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, cancer, and especially those diseases affecting the heart.

Toxicity: Root Cause of Illness and Aging
Discovering the root cause of a problem accomplishes true healing. The root of aging, as with illness, is often due to blockages within the body. Blockages occur from internal pollution that is mostly due to toxic foods such as refined white sugar, refined white flour, cow's dairy products, artificial additives, and preservatives that lead to premature aging and illness.

If you could avoid or erase every upsetting or unpleasant event, you could substantially slow your aging process. These events cause stress and add to problems caused by the worn and toxic cells apparent in an aging body. The greater the amount of these cells, the older your body's biological age.

Youthful health is apparent in people of all ages who radiate the energy that empowers a strong sense of wellness. When people look to natural ways of calming their minds and eat in a healthy manner, they help to protect, repair, and hinder their cells from absorbing toxins. They often act and feel younger than those whose bodies become over-burdened with toxicity.


Buy HGH and Stunt the Aging Process

Nobody likes to grow old – or at least, nobody likes to look old – and while there is nothing we can do about the inevitable passing of one day into the next, there are many things we can do to limit the speed with which our bodies begin to look and feel older. HGH translates into ‘human growth hormone’, which is a complex protein produced by the pituitary gland to facilitate the replenishment of body tissue, encourage muscle growth, healing, and an array of other uses which keep your body – for lack of a better phrase – in good working order.

Intuitively, the time in a person’s life where the largest amount of HGH is secreted into the body is adolescence, when growth in every part of the body is at its peak. But this does not mean that HGH stops becoming necessary when a person has reached maturity; quite to the contrary, it continues to regulate the complex system of the human body, becoming an integral part of having strong bones, maintaining high energy levels, and regulating your metabolism. So taking an HGH supplement can accentuate your body’s ability to function, increasing circulation and blood flow to the brain, as well as giving you increased energy levels and increased healing function. But you don’t want to get scammed by mailing a money order for HGH to any old swindler who peddles you emails or junk snail mail trying to get you to buy the latest, greatest thing he’s coddled together in pill form in his basement, you want to go out and do the research on your own and find out what the best manufacturers and dosage amounts are for you.

You don’t ever want to be naïve when it some to your body. It can be just as foolish to think that the SPAM you receive in your Hotmail inbox is going to change your life overnight if only you visit the advertised website and send off your credit card information, as it is to think that taking HGH is going to be some sort of fountain of youth that will magically wipe away wrinkles, grey hair, fat cells, and fill your body with so much energy you wont be able to sit still. On the contrary, buying HGH is just one of many steps you must take in your life in order, not only to see the optimal results of the supplement, but to see a drastic improvement in your personal well being and functioning abilities.

First of all, get out and exercise before you start thinking about buying HGH. I know, I know, everyone says they’re going to go running starting New Year’s Day, or they’re going to start taking yoga as soon as things die down at work. But don’t be one of those people. The fact is, if you actually care about feeling better about yourself and looking better in general, you have to take that long hard journey away from the home theatre entertainment center, step outside into the fresh air, and wiggle your legs and arms in some harmonious fashion before you can start calling yourself a “doer” rather than just a “talker”. Doing some moderate exercise in conjunction with taking HGH will drastically improve the benefits it encourages, giving you that added incentive to do a little more work instead of sitting around dreaming about how good you want to feel. You can always feel better about yourself, and taking HGH in alliance with a positive change in dietary and lifestyle habits can get you to that next level, and keep you feeling younger no matter how old you might get.


Some Good Advice for Old Men

Things are different when you are old. To save your self a lot of grief, Old Man, take my advice:

NEVER eat corn-on-the-cob in public, especially if you have a beard. There is something disgusting about kernels of corn in an old man’s beard.

WHEN your wife brings you eggs and toast instead of the eggs, ham, and potatoes you ordered, say “Thank you, Dear!” and eat your eggs and toast. If you tell her she forgot the ham and potatoes, she will feel bad because she forgot to bring them. Sooner or later, she will get even with you.

DON’T put pans on top of plates and glasses in the sink. She will just tell you for the umpteenth time to stop doing that and you will receive a dissertation that could qualify for a Ph.D. about how pans can scratch dishes or break her favorite glasses.

TRY NOT to let the gasoline gage drop below ¾ full or she will nag you to death how you are going to get stranded on an old country road at midnight because YOU DIDN’T BUY GAS!

TAKE the garbage out when she tells you. If you miss the garbage truck you will have seven days of hell. (This is not as serious in my town where they pick up the garbage on Monday and Thursday.)

ALWAYS pick up your dirty clothes and put them in the clothing hamper by the washing machine. If you don’t, they may never make the area of the washing machine and you will either never see them again or you will find them in a box in the garage that says “Good Will.”

REMEMBER that washing machines are too complicated for men to operate. Don’t even think about it!

YOU SHOULD NOT try to jog along side of that Latin lady down at the track. You won’t last three minutes before your heart goes into a thimwiggle and scares your pants off. (A "thimwiggle" is that erratic heart beat that can kill you. My wife gave me this exact advice.)

DANCING the jitterbug at your granddaughters wedding is not a good idea. Nobody will know what in all Succotash you are doing and you might end up in a straight jacket.

ABOVE ALL for those of you that have a zillion grandkids and great grandkids like I do, do your Christmas shopping the day before Thanksgiving when the stocks are at their peak, the number of clerks is at the maximum, and the stores are empty. (Read my article on the best shopping day of the year.)

FINALLY make sure you have a room in your house that is grandkid proof and has only one chair. It must have a TV and shelves for your wife’s dolls and stuffed animals. Tell her that it is HER ROOM. Occasionally take her a sandwich or a nice drink you prepared in the blender. Close the door when you leave.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


How to Combat the 3 Causes of Aging

We all know that time can take its toll on our skin. Fine lines appear, skin's moisture retention decreases, blotches appear, and skin just doesn't bounce back like it used to. We're going to take an in depth look on why that happens and how to slow down that process.

Many people don't know this, but the first casue of accelerated aging is caused by the iron found in our tap water. The iron in our tap water that we use on a daily basis creates damaging oxidation reactions with our skin.

The second cause of accelerated aging is free radicals that attack our skin cells. And, finally, the most well known cause of aging is the damaged by sun.

The problem with most skin care lines on the market today is that they claim to nourish and protect the skin, but do they really live up to their claim? Unfortunately, no. These ingredients only address a small area of the free radical damage found on the surface of the skin. Also, these ingredients may be present, but at very low levels and may not be able to be absorbed and utilized by your skin.

Based on Shaklee's in depth research, the key ingredient they found to combat aging is the triple patented Vital Repair+. The Vital Repair + is known to block each known link in the chain free radical damage.

Is there proof that the Enfuselle anti aging system works? Results:

Normal to Dry-

-665% increase in skin resilience and firmness in 28 days
-14% increase in retained skin moisture in 56 days
-A definitive evening of skin tone in 84 days

Normal to Oily-

-270%increase in skin resilience and firmness in 28 days
-17% increase in retained skin moisture in 56 days
-A definitive evening of skin tone in 84 days

Why choose the Enfuselle anti aging systems?

-Contains the breakthrough patented Vital Repair+ Complex
-Clinically proven to reduce the signs of aging
-Provides SPF 15 sun protection
-Won't clog pores
-Oil free
-Dye free
-Soap free
-Dermatologist tested
-Not tested on animals
-No animal derived ingredients
-Backed by the integrity and quality of the 50 year old company Shaklee


Anti-Aging Skin Care

Completely healthy does not only mean being the perfect weight, no it means much more than that.

There are a lot of people out there who exercise nearly every day, weigh what they are suppose to and look just great.

But does that mean,that they are completely healthy? No, not neccessarily. So what is needed to be of total health?

If you are a couch potatoe and your only excercise is walking to the pantry to get something to snack on and are 30 pounds overweight, I am sure you realize that you can't attain great health.

Look at the Hunza people for example, they are extremely healthy and attain longevity through their lifestyle.

The Hunza people live in the Himalayas and eat only twice a day, at midday, even though they usually get up at five in the morning, and at dinner time.

And of course it is very important what you eat. Obesety is unknown amongst the Hunzas. They have a special bread,which is eaten with every meal and seems to be the key to their longevity.

I have not mentioned yet how old the Hunzas get. Would you believe,that it is not unusual for them to become 130 years old.

And yes,they do exercise daily, they take regular walks,a 15 to 20 kilometer hike is considered quite normal.

The question here would be, is longevity and health like that obtainable to us in the western world? I like to believe that it is.

So, what is important to be completely healthy? Exercise, absolutely! But if you don't have time to go to the gym, don't worry, or you might be just like me and don't like to go to the gym.

A brisk walk every day (a dog certainly helps with that)and a bit of stretching will do the trick.

And of course our diet is a extremely important factor to our health, fresh fruit and vegetable (preferably organic), only very little meat and whole grain. Those are the very basics.

We tend to forget our mental health, it is a crucial part to being completely healthy. Every day is a new day and we need to be willing to meet each task with a positive attitude.

A great way to start a new day is to meditate.It does not have to be for long, 10-15 mins. will do and will put you in the right frame of mind to have a great day.

An other great tool for your mental health are affirmations. Or start a journal take some time out every day and write down what you have experienced and your feelings.


Aging Gracefully: Enjoy a Vital, Fulfilling Life Regardless of Age

A quick web search on the term "graceful aging" brings up phrases like:

Combat the signs of aging.
Who said that we have to age?
Defy the aging process.

These phrases reflect the fact that most of us look at aging as something to be resisted for as long as possible. Regardless of how liberated we've become, many women and men still experience aging as a threat to their sense of self worth and quality of life.

To age gracefully in a culture which idolizes youth requires inner strength and wisdom. I've discovered two basic requirements of graceful aging. To borrow from the Serenity Prayer, graceful aging requires the "serenity to accept the things we cannot change; courage to change the things we can; and wisdom to know the difference".

Certainly acceptance of aging is a key to aging gracefully -- but which of the changes that commonly come with age are the things we cannot change and which are the things we can change?

Aging Factors We Cannot Change

One thing we absolutely cannot change is the fact that every day brings us closer to death. This one fact alone may account for a great deal of our difficulty with aging. As soon as we see signs of aging, we are reminded that this body is eventually going to die. As we age, we come face to face with our mortality, and to deal with this we must rely upon our spiritual resources. Our spiritual health may well be measured by how we face the fact of our mortality.

There is more of a gray area when it comes to identifying what else we cannot change, as we are only now starting to make scientific discoveries about the aging process. Nevertheless, there are some changes that are clearly inevitable as we age. With menopause, both male and female, we begin to live with a different hormonal environment. The appearance and function of our body changes and we must adapt. Our roles change dramatically as our children grow older and leave home, and we become grandparents rather than parents. At some point, many of us become parents to our parents as they enter their final years.

Growing older also brings more loss. Not only is there loss of many aspects of being young, more people we know die. This may be one of the most difficult aspects of aging. If we haven’t learned to grieve earlier in life, the all-important tasks of living with loss must be learned to avoid psychological and health problems.

What We Can Change: The Myths of Aging Revealed

Now that we’ve outlined a few of the inevitable aspects of aging, let’s look at some myths about aging to reveal things that can be changed. Attitude has an enormous role in how we age. Since much of the decline that people experience with aging comes about due to the belief that this decline is inevitable, examining these myths can help to free us to live happier, more vital lives as we age.

Myth #1 – The older I get, the worse my body will feel. The increasing stiffness and aches & pains that often come with age are not a result of age, but are due to lack of movement (if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it). Although there are some changes in our tissues as we age, we can continue to remain remarkably flexible and free of pain through something as simple as regular stretching.

Myth #2 – It’s too late to start taking care of myself -- it won’t do any good at this age. A healthy lifestyle has been found to be one of the most important factors in how we age. Improvements in lifestyle (with the 3 key areas being good food, exercise and regular relaxation and rest) have been shown to bring improvements at any age.

Myth #3 – I’m getting too old to learn new things -- Research shows that older people can, and do, learn new things. Attitude plays an important role here -- if you think you can’t, you won’t try. People who believe they can learn new things do!

Myth #4 – Sex is only for the young. People can, and do, continue to enjoy sex well into their senior years. We are sexual beings throughout the life cycle, but sexuality is experienced differently at different ages. Changes in hormones will affect our experience of sex, and we may need to find different ways to be intimate. Relaxation is key here so that we don’t panic when things don’t happen the way they used to. We’re not over the hill, but simply need to give ourselves some breathing room to become familiar with our changing physiologies.

Myth #5 – The older I get, the less attractive I become. There is nothing more attractive than someone who has aged well. Haven’t you ever noticed that special radiance of an older person who is at peace with themselves and life? Attractiveness has absolutely nothing to do with age!

It’s never too late to change the two most important ingredients to graceful aging – attitude and lifestyle. Some of the most effective lifestyle changes are the simplest. Relaxation and stretching are extremely effective tools for successful aging. You can start with either of them right now. Incorporating these two simple things in your daily routine can make a world of difference in how you age!


When Your Body Doesn't Co-operate With You

If you re-read the title of this article I think you will see that embedded in it are two interesting beliefs:

1. That you are not fully in control of your physical body and,

2. That you likely think that you and your body are two separate things.

I would like to suggest that belief 1) above is in fact "the result of" belief 2).

Let me explain.

We have become so seduced by religions, over the history of humanity, into "thinking" of ourselves in terms of a "body" and "spirit" that these two "things" have essentially become separated from each other.

I think you recognize that the "YOU" that wants your body to remain healthy and youthful often has ultimately very little control over the "YOU" that is your body and that ages and eventually loses it's functionality over time.

Does it "feel" natural or even desirable to you to be experiencing such a disconnection between these two YOU's?

Would YOU prefer to have these "two" YOU'S living in harmony together?

Isn't it interesting that they seem to have two different journeys?

In my work with individuals it has been my experience that this "disconnection" or "misalignment" is:

1. Not natural to us.

2. That it is the result of many faulty beliefs that we carry within us about "who we are".

3. That these faulty beliefs can not only be exposed but they can be eradicated permanently from one's consciousness, and that by do so,

4. One can re-experience the alignment and harmonious "unity" of body and spirit as "one" entity, YOU.

Why would anyone wish to pursue this?

Well if you consider what it "feels" like for the "two' YOU's to be on separate journeys I think there you will find the motivation to consider another option.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


Who Wants Younger Looking Skin?

If you are like many others on this planet you would like younger looking skin. If so, please read this artice and learn how amazing new products made from microfiber can assist you in achieving this goal.

Never heard of microfiber? Well most people have not, so I will explain what microfiber is. Microfiber is two synthetic materials blended together, then split. The 1st material is polyamide a by-product of nylon, and the 2nd is polyester. You may have heard of or even own microfiber clothes, pocket books, or upholstered furniture. Most microfiber is blended as 80/20, 75/25, and 70/30. The higher number represents polyester, (the cleaning part), and the lower number polyamide(the absorbant part). Hence if you wanted a super absorbant material a 70/30 blend would be your choice, and a 80/30 blend would be a softer one.

Microfiber has been around for years and came to the USA in the automotive industy as cleaning/drying cloths. They worked great and required no chemicals or detergents to clean . They could be used wet with water to clean and used dry to dust, polish and dry. This made them environmentally preferred products and guaranteed their acceptance. Soon, other fantastic products were developed, tested, and made available to the consumer market.

Enough of technical jargon. How do you get younger looking skin? Use the magic of microfiber ! Microfiber require only water to remove make-up, thus eliminating costly creams, etc. Creams may be used if desired but are not necessary. Microfiber also exfoliate and clean the skin which promotes new skin growth, guaranteeing a younger looking you! Microfiber cleans the skin better than any other material and works great in acne areas. Microfiber may be washed by hand or machine using normal detergents or just water. Hang to dry or use a dryer. Microfifiber products are environmentally preferred because only water is required and they are economical because they can be washed and re-used hundreds of times!


Magnifying Mirror

I recently bought a magnifying mirror . . . a big, lighted magnifying mirror that makes it impossible for me to ignore all my face's imperfections. The unreasonable clerk who sold me the mirror wouldn’t let me return it. She said not liking what I saw in it wasn’t reason enough to get my money back.

Mirrors like this one should be illegal. It enlarges objects seven times their natural size. The thing is a health hazard. When I looked into it, I screamed in horror, then hyperventilated, passed out, and hit my head on the bathroom sink. I needed CPR to be resuscitated, and I think some of my brains might have been flushed down the toilet. I’m not sure I’ll ever recover from discovering that my cheeks have pleats. (gasp!) The whole nasty experience plunged me into a state of third-degree, age-related depression.

All this time, I’ve been living in that lovely la-la-land of denial. I had fooled myself into believing that I still looked twenty-nine. Mother Nature played a cruel joke on me. Time to wake up and smell the extra-strength age spot remover. Reality hit me right between my puffy, sagging eyelids. Ouch! That smarts.

My laugh lines are no laughing matter, now that they’re buried deep within my saggy cheeks. The only advantage is that I can finally say I have cleavage, even if it IS on my face. The black bags under my eyes are bigger than my feet. They’re helping to save the forests, though. I carry groceries in them, rather than using the paper sacks at the grocery store.

I look like a puckered pile of flab and wrinkles with whiskers. When my husband calls me “pet,” it’s because my drooping jowls make me look like Cousin Delmont’s old coon dog Otis, and my flabby neck jiggles like a Tom turkey’s. My cheeks sag lower each day, like melting blobs of raspberry ripple ice cream. I’m afraid I’ll awake some morning to discover that my face has slid down around my waist.

The dermatologist made my day when he called the dark patches on my cheeks “old age barnacles." I must look like a sunken ship. I asked him if plaster of paris might help, but instead he suggested that I have my face “resurfaced.” So now I’m a well-traveled, worn out road? I must admit that my face does sort of look like a truck ran over it.

Wrinkles aren't the only revolting development that’s got me down. It’s bad enough that I’ve turned into grandma Moses, but I'm looking a lot like Grandpa Walton too. I've sprouted a beard and mustache, and my whole face is lower than it used to be. Yesterday, my husband called me “floppy cheeks," and I don’t think he meant it as a term of endearment. I no longer count gravity among my friends. It’s pulling everything southward, and parts that once were perky are now in danger of being stepped on and often get road rash from dragging on the pavement.

I’ve placed my youth on the endangered species list. It’s evaporating faster than spit on a hot griddle. Instead of aging like a fine wine, I'm afraid I'm more like moldy cheese or curdled 2% milk. As my six-year-old grandson says, “I’m not happy about this.”

You can understand why I appreciate the Bible verse in Proverbs 11, which says, "A kind hearted woman will gain respect." I'm relieved, because I know I can't get by on my good looks. I hope people find my heart more pleasing to behold than the rest of me.

I don’t even know Grace, and I don’t want to grow old with her, but I’ve found at least two things for which old timers can be thankful:

1) For those who love and obey Him, God does not examine faults with a magnifying glass. If He did, it would be a sight even more grotesque than the one staring back at me from my mirror. Instead, God is willing to remove each soul's blemishes and forget them forever. "As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us." (Psalm 103:12)

2) Secondly, nobody is ever too old to be used by God. No matter what my age, or how many thousands of wrinkles and gray hairs I have, there is always something good I can do. God has plans for each of us. Jeremiah 29:11 says: "’I know the plans I have for you, ‘declares the Lord, . . . to give you hope and a future.’" We always have a place in God's scheme of things, even if one foot is in the rest home. We can't outgrow our usefulness and no one’s ever too old to have hopes and dreams or to accomplish some pretty nifty things with God's help. I heard of one hip grandma who rode a motorcycle on her ninetieth birthday. That sure beats staring at the wall from a rocking chair in a puddle of drool. God doesn't just use young and beautiful people.

In fact, I would guess that He can probably more often use older folks who have gained experience and learned the lessons that come only from making mistakes. How cool is it that He can work through anyone, wrinkles, age spots, and all? He'll use anybody, as long as they meet two requirements: A: they are willing, and B: they're still breathing.

That includes you. So open those wrinkled, baggy eyelids of yours and take a gander at the world around you. Forget your age. You will always be younger than someone somewhere. If you look, you'll see loads of things you can do. Get your pruney face and your varicose veins out there and get busy!


Anti-Aging - Insider Secrets

You can benefit greatly from the anti-aging insider secret that you have naming rights over your life.

Adam was the original owner of God-given naming rights. Yours are waiting for you to claim them.

Claim them today.

This is your day to bring the aging process under your control.

Get back those years of believing you had no control over your quality of life and just had to allow yourself to be swept along in the decline too many people call the "aging process".

The following suggestions will help you regain a higher quality of life and make you a blessing to all as you come out of retirement expecting a more abundant life.

You Can Choose to Rename Negative Events as Positive Events

You can divide life experience into positive and negative events. One contributor to the aging process is feeling down on yourself - every day.

You can stop that by telling yourself you have control over every day. Without thinking about it you give every event a certain level of power by letting it have a certain meaning.

A key insider secret is that when you choose to change the meaning you give to an event, you change its power over you.

Even the event of losing a loved one can be given a new meaning as you celebrate your life with them.

And the fond memories no one can take from you. In so doing you rob depression of its power to put you in a downward spiral aging faster than ever. You attach this positive meaning to every experience and forever change your outlook on life and the people in your life.

You Can Tell Others You've Decide to See The Positive

Once you've mastered the art of changing the meaning of negative events into positive ones the next step is to put a stop to all the negative values that loved ones pin on you. They will often protest that they want you to grow old gracefully.

You need to rise up on the inside and let them know you have decided to see the positive side of everything. Be sure they understand you view maturity as a process of improving - like fine wine.

Tell them that every day you exercise your God-given naming rights over your life. Quote them the verse - "This is the day the Lord has nade and I will rejoice in it and be glad"

The truth is you have the right to have a good day every day.

Your plan for Choosing to Rename the negative Events and, Telling Loved Ones You've Decide to See the Positive in All Experiences can be easily followed. But you'll have to be diligent. Keep it up every day


Anti-Aging Skin Care Secrets & Solutions

Anti-aging skin care is simple. But there are steps you'll need to take. Your skin is the largest organ of your body and the only one exposed to the elements. It’s also the only one exposed to the view of others, so you’ll want to make sure it ages as slowly as possible.

As time goes by, your skin tends to get thinner, dryer, more wrinkled and, eventually, age spots may appear. Although you can’t stop the process, you can slow it down dramatically. Besides using high quality skin care (mild cleansers and effective moisturizers), there are two other secrets to your skin’s fountain of youth.

Since “garbage in, garbage out” applies to your body as well as your computer, healthy skin requires a healthy diet. Reduce your over all fats to under 30%, replacing processed and saturated “bad” fats with “good’ essential fatty acids. Eliminate sweets and other processed carbohydrates and add more whole grains and carotenoid rich fruits and vegetables. Exercise carries the essential nutrients to your cells and eight glasses of water a day keeps cells hydrated and flushes out harmful toxins.

Carotenoids are a family of phytonutrients that have been proven over and over again to protect human cells from oxidative free-radical damage - one of the major causes of skin aging. That’s why the National Institutes of Health recommends eating nine daily servings of brightly colored fruits and vegetables – peaches, strawberries, broccoli, etc. rather than iceberg lettuce, bananas and French fries. To make sure you’re getting optimum skin benefits, a good whole food carotenoid supplement will help.

The other important guideline for anti-aging skin care is to avoid sun exposure. Just driving with your arm out the window of your car can cause sun damage and accelerate aging. So get UV tinting on your car windows and keep your arm inside. Wear sunglasses, a hat, long sleeves and long pants and always use sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 15.


Anti-Aging -- Yes Renewed Vigor Can be Yours

You can take control of the aging process and rediscover years of youthful vigor by going on a Word Watch, and getting into Thought Sport.

Get back those long forgotten years. Use the following suggestions and you will observe a transformation in both the way you look at others and the way they look at you.

1. Decide to Go on a Word Watch

You Word Watch by taking control of what comes out of your mouth. Also Word Watch when you write anything or use a computer keyboard.

Rework your vocabulary to fill your speech and print outs with words that speak more often of the future than the past. Speak and write with a sense of excitement about your future. Speak of it with full conviction that the best years of your life are ahead of you.

Communicate with those who are much younger than you, wherever possible. At Church, at the mall, at the community college, on the Internet. The possibilities are limitless. Share your experiences. Gently correct any who refer to you as old. In love let them know you don't feel any older than you were 30 years most of the time. Say you're older but will not accept the "old" label.

They'll have a new regard for you and will treat you in the way you expect.

Tell all who listen you've given up retirement and have decided on Refirement. You will need to explain Refirement is the opposite to retirement. Share how you've entered a time of rediscovering yourself and your skills and abilities. Make sure they know you are passionate about putting these skills to work to generate a prosperous future.

Future years of youthful vigor will be yours as long as you stay on a Word Watch.

2. Make Yourself Get into Thought Sport

Experts worldwide agree, that baby boomers and those in the years beyond 60, must keep their mind active. The Bible exhorts us to be transformed by the renewing of our mind.

The truth is that you are what you think you are. Join the swelling ranks of Refirees, not to be confused with retirees, who have embraced Refirement, and have decided to get into Thought Sport.

Your suggestions for Thought Sport include starting a Bible study group in your home, enrolling in an online program in Internet marketing, or attending a community college course on how to set up your own small business.

You are never to old to keep your mind in top performance mode. Consider the example of Eric, Australia's most mature small businessman. At 103 he drives his own car and manages a home based business. If there was an Olympic event for Thought Sport Eric would be a Gold Medalist.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Anti-Aging: Secret New Discovery

You can slow down the aging process by embracing a secret new discovery which shows you how to reduce the stress contributing to the acceleration of the aging process. Your discovery journey begins when you ask yourself the key question - "How do I eat?"

To benefit from this discovery you can use these steps. They cause you to see your eating experience in a new way.

1. Decide to Eat at A Table With Loved Ones

Chose to never again eat in front of a TV. The question - "How do I eat?" needs to be followed by another - "Where do I eat?" Choosing to eat at a table with loved ones enables you to get attention off the news of the day and on to your health. Your digestive system will thank you for making this choice. And reward you with a reduction of indigestion challenges that can come from viewing upsetting news whilst eating.

2. Make Yourself Eat Slowly Take One Bite at A Time

Even if you feel like you could eat a mountain of food keep squashing your appetite. Keep control of your food intake at every meal especially if you've reached the babyboomer years (were you born 1946-64?).

The key secret discovery is that when you eat slower you enable your body to get the greatest benefit from the food you are consuming. Not only is absorption of nutrients better, the elimination of waste is much improved.

You will be truly amazed as you put this little secret to the test. Try exercising all he control you can with eating slowly for three days at all meals and you will observe first hand your system rewarding you with regular and improved elimination. This benefit has proven to give a sense of wellness to those who follow the system. Some would say this has extended their life by preventing bowel cancer.

3. Forgive Before You Partake of Your Meal

The question - "How do I eat?" also needs to be followed by another - "What's my attitude to those I'm eating with?" Forgive them for all the wrong they done you before you sit down to eat with them. Make peace with them and you'll be at peace within yourself which will be a blessing to your digestive system.

Expect and work at maintaining a peaceful atmosphere whilst eating and you will find your meals are completed without the development of raging headaches.

These steps will make sure as the years roll on that you're getting the best out of all the food you consume. Malnutrition will be a thing of the past and you will age at your best pace.


Skin Condition Has Nothing To Do With Age

Getting older isn’t what it used to be! Today it is becoming easier and easier to achieve a youthful appearance. There are loads of “treatments” out there we can use to achieve a line free, age defying appearance.


How is this possible? Take steps to improve your overall health and wellbeing. Good nutrition, exercise, sleep, protection from the sun and a good skincare routine can help to maintain your youthful appearance & wellbeing throughout your life. The skin is the most visible indicator of how your general health may be and the condition of your skin can often signal the first signs of illness or nutritional deficiencies. A healthy, glowing complexion is a sign of good general health.

Skin needs protection both inside and out. It makes sense to nourish the body within to obtain the correct balance of nutrients, because a healthy body is reflected in healthy skin. But the skin itself needs nourishing too. Skin needs protection from exposure to sun, wind and pollution. This is why a regular skin care regime is so essential at any age.


The area of skin around the eyes is the most delicate and is usually the first to show the signs of aging. The eye area is very thin and also contains many blood vessels. As we age those dark ‘circles’, ‘bags’ or puffiness under the eyes can possibly be due to slowed blood flow and the resulting build-up of lymph.

By the time we are in our early twenties, we may be showing early signs of damage and wrinkles could be starting to appear. By the mid-thirties, fine lines and wrinkles will be developing, which by 60 will have deepened into ‘crow’s feet’, mainly due to a lifetime of exposure to ultraviolet light.

Therefore it is essential not to forget the delicate area of the eye when you are doing your skin care regime. A good eye cream is a must. Sunglasses will also help to protect our delicate eye area and our eyes from the harsh rays of the sun.


It is now known that the rate of skin aging is dependent not only on the genes you inherited from your parents but also upon internal stress factors such as diet, exercise and mental attitude as well as external stress factors such as excessive exposure to the sun, extreme climatic conditions, air and water borne pollution and chemicals. Skin disorders and premature skin aging occur as a result of a decline in optimal skin function due to any one or all of the above factors. Regular skin care routines, involving cleansing, toning and moisturizing, have been shown to be beneficial in slowing the rate of skin aging and in controlling or preventing skin problems.

Thursday, January 25, 2007


Anti-Aging Skin Care: Why Can't We Just Keep it Simple?

If you’ve ever tried to find a skin care product to deal with the skin care concerns of aging skin, you’re probably as confused as the average person. There are so many products and ingredients that tout ‘increase in this’, ‘decrease in that’ , ‘revitalized this and revitalized that’ and on and on and on. Many empty promises or over-hyped formulations.

In order to understand what anti-aging skin care products are intended to do, you have to first understand about what the aging process is for skin. Aging skin has the condition where the structural proteins that bind and support the skin, collagen and elastin, lose their resiliency and cohesion, causing the skin to wrinkle and/or sag. The body's ability to produce new collagen and elastin also diminishes with age while the cells in the various layers of our skin decline and thin, loosing the ability to adequately maintain moisture. Without proper hydration, the healing mechanisms of the skin cease to function, adversely affecting the skin's ability to receive nutrients and repair itself. The result is rough, lose, wrinkled skin.

Of course, we all want to have the best skin possible at any age and are searching for solutions to maintain our skin’s youthfulness. In our quest and with the constant marketing and advancements in skin care, it can sometimes be difficult to find an affordable and effective solution for great skin care.

However, what you need to know is that it doesn’t have to be that complex (as many of the product name suggest!). What you should consider is that what any skin care program should be is simple. That’s it, just simple. The results that we all want are simple: soft, smooth, clear, radiant, younger-looking skin.

Too much of the time now days, skin care marketers are trying to convenience consumers that they need formulations that no average consumer can understand, or day and night products, or formulations that highly successful, well-known personalities would use. If you think about it, how many products do you currently have in your storage that were purchased because of these marketing strategies?

With these types of advertising, there are so many re-touches and questionable representation of the product effectiveness because the personality also receives so many other types of services and procedures that impact the condition of skin that you really cannot know the true results that the highly marketed products will bring.

The positive side of the situation is that there are constant and ever evolving advances in skin care and we all have the option for our skin condition improving with age.

If you are looking for a skin care program, there are some guidelines you may want to consider when making your skin care choices:

 Protect your skin while you are in the sun and extreme weather. Use proper protection.

 Drink lots of water. It’s so important for proper skin hydration and keeping your body clean from toxins and other chemicals that could cause adverse reactions in your skin.

 You should know what you are using on your skin. If you can’t pronounce the majority of the ingredients or there are more than 5 or 6 ingredients, then it may be too complex for what your skin actually needs. Skin care that uses these types of formulations are full of fillers, coloring, preservatives, and chemicals that are not beneficial for your skin and come with a high price where the consumer is paying for the filler more so than the active ingredients. These types of ingredients are only needed to fill up the bottle and make it appealing to smell or touch. Sometimes products will contain multiple active ingredients but in order to formulate these ingredients, it requires that other ingredients be added. You end up paying for something your skin cannot use. The cheaper ingredients are filling up the bottle. Try a similar approach to how you would choose your food (skin is ‘live cells’ and needs nourishment). Watch the labels and choose products with skin healthy formulations where the active ingredients are 80% of the ingredients.

 You should use a good and effective cleanser. This is the most important step in your skin care process. Many cleansing products do not leave your skin feeling smooth and deeply cleansed. Find a product that goes deep into the pores, provides light exfoliation and conditioning, and does not leave any residue. Applying moisturizers and treatments on top of skin that is not completely clean will just make the problem worse by clogging pores and showing a rough, uneven skin texture.

 You should be able to adjust your program to meet your skin’s daily needs. If you can’t adjust the use of the products to match what your skin needs on a particular day, are you really getting what you need? Your program should be able to hydrate, heal, and renew your skin. You should see this gradual improvement everyday and not have to wait 30 to 60 days for results. It’s like watering a plant. A plant that needs water as a critical nutrient will respond immediately to the water being absorbed through its roots and perk up within a few hours. Watch your skin for a week or so and you’ll know how effective the program can ultimately be for your skin care needs.

 You should be able to quickly go through your regime. It should not take more than 5 minutes. A skin care program should include the steps to cleanse, exfoliate, treat and/or moisturize. You should be able to pick and choose what you need based on you skin’s current condition for that day.

 You should not be able to feel the product on your skin. In order for skin care to really be effective, it must penetrate the skin cells. Product sitting on top of your skin is product that is not penetrating the skin layers. Products with fillers and other unnecessary, complex formulations will may not get deep or directly enough to provide the treatment and results you are looking for. You should not know that you are wearing your skin care.

 You should feel comfortable with makeup optional skin. If your skin care is really working, your skin will improve and you will not want to put makeup on it if you don’t have to. Most skin problems are correctable to a large degree. You should be able to go out feeling confident that your skin is at its best (with minimal makeup) no matter what your age is. Also, by using makeup less, you are giving your skin more time to repair and restore itself without the interruption of other product chemicals on your skin.


Botox: Reducing Fine Lines and Wrinkles, and Now Curing Migraines?

Most people are familiar with Botox. Many of us have seen the footage on television showing a doctor injecting this clear wonder solution into the facial skin of some patient searching for the lost fountain of youth. But did you know that Botox has also moved into the arena of helping people solve some more mainstream problems such as strokes, cerebral palsy and migraines? In the past year or so, much research and experimentation has shown that this wrinkle cure is also useful in helping people with more serious medical problems.

Botox is derived from the same botulin toxin that is found in spoiled foods. A sterile and purified version of this toxin, known as Botulinum toxin type A, is what doctors use to reduce wrinkles. It is injected just under the skin. The toxin simply blocks the nerves in the muscles from receiving the signal to contract, thereby causing them to relax more. The net result is that the process of wrinkle formation is reduced. The process must be repeated every 3 to 6 months because the effect wears off.

This same muscle relaxing effect has been found to be beneficial in treating other ailments where the muscles are known to spasm or freeze up causing pain and discomfort. At the neurology clinic at the Foothills Hospital in Calgary Canada, Dr. Oksana Suchowersky has been using Botox for years to treat facial spasms and more recently, migraine headaches.

In addition, Montreal urologist Dr. Jacques Corcos, has been using Botox to treat patients with poor bladder control. By injecting Botox into the bladder of patients, they are able to live a more comfortable life, relieving them from the mercy of numerous bathroom visits.

At the University Medical Center in Texas, Dr. Gabor Racz has been using a combination of Botox and phenol injections to relieve crippling pain in patients suffering from chronic neurological syndrome. This is a condition where patients experience severe pain, burning, sensitivity and sometimes swelling, often in their hands.

At Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, in Winston-Salem, N.C., Botox is also helping stroke patients. Dr. Allison Brashear has been using Botox to help stroke victims get back to helping themselves live a more pain free life. With repeated injections, he has helped patients recover so that they can perform everyday activities without much pain. It has been estimated that perhaps 10% of stroke survivors could benefit from Botox treatments.

Since its initial approval for medical use in 1998, more and more, doctors have found important and life changing uses for Botox. The current estimate is that within 3 years, the FDA will grant approval to Botox for the treatment of migraines. So, if you simply want to take a few years off your face or stop crippling pain or correct an overactive bladder, your next trip to the doctor may very likely contain a conversation about Botox and how it can help you.

Sunday, January 21, 2007


How to Live Forever

Who Wants to Live Forever?

As far as anybody knows, humans are the only animals that have a sense of mortality. For a very long time - presumably ever since we gained this awareness of impending death - we have speculated about the prospect of immortality. Not all cultures wish for immortality. Some religions, perhaps most religions, would regard any search for immortality as undesirable. With the greatest respect to those who do not want immortality or do not agree with it, we must surely admit that many of us - including many of religious faith - would welcome immortality, or at the very least, a prolonged life.

Civilisation Produced Old Age

Before we look at the ways in which this could be achieved, let us consider where we are now. Humans have evolved into the dominant species on earth. Fewer and fewer predators have threatened us as we have gained in strength, cunning and inventiveness. As a society we have learned to harness nature to the extent that food can be stored and packaged and eaten without the need for all of us to hunt and gather. Medicines have been developed to counter disease. We have found ways of keeping our water clean for drinking. Many of us can heat our homes (or even cool them) when necessary, and to a greater or lesser extent look after our old as we look after our young. We have become civilised.

Wear Out

The phenomenon of old age that civilisation has brought to us sets us apart from other animals. It is virtually unheard of to see old age amongst wild animals. As we have become civilised our bodies have not caught up yet. They were never designed to last for centuries because uncivilised man could never have lasted that long in its wild environment. We die because we wear out - not because we can't feed or look after ourselves. The good news is that we are catching up. Each generation (usually) lives longer then the one that went before. Many of us are choosing healthier lifestyles that helps to prolong life. But we are still wearing out.

Body Part Replacement

Scientists and surgeons have become increasingly knowledgeable about transplants of human body parts. The problem of rejection is not the barrier it once was. With the advent of DNA technology it is possible, in theory at least, the "grow" a human body part using the DNA blueprint found in just a small sample. Putting these two facts together, there is a real chance that we will soon have the means to transplant most body parts. In time we could replace all body parts. Once transplantation is perfected we would then have the means to replace worn-out body parts at will. We could all have a scan where a DNA profile of our bodies was compiled. The information in our personal database would be used in order to grow our replacement parts. Using micro-surgery techniques, new parts could be fitted every 5 years! Can you imagine it?

What About the Brain?

Change as many bits as you like, but take the brain away and then surely the person no longer exists. Even if it were possible to grow a replacement brain, how would the information from the old one - including our very state of existence and self-image - be transferred to the new one? Well, the brain is indeed a special case as it holds not only our thoughts and memories but also our sense of being. Because of this, swapping one brain for another and disposing of the old one would be tantamount to murder and defeat the point of the whole exercise. On the other hand, if the brain could not be rejuvenated just like the rest of the body, it will die from old age anyway.

Brains Rarely Fail

There are various ways of dealing with this issue. It must be remembered that thousands of our brain cells are dying every day. It is possible for new cells to be created, but the rate of cell death is far greater than cell creation. Whatever the reason, the rate of aggregate brain cell death seems to grow as we age. That said, it is very common for the brain to remain in a good state whilst the rest of the body fails. When people die of old age, it usually a part of the body - such as the heart - that fails and rarely the brain itself.


Why do brain cells (or neurons) die? There are various causes. They are certain illnesses, accidents and the use of certain drugs (e.g. alcohol) or other environmental toxins. These factors only play a minor part in brain cell death. A more common cause is apoptosis. This is where cells effectively commit suicide. This process is not fully understood but is thought to be necessary for the long term health of the brain. It is thought that cells that are in some way damaged (for instance their DNA might have become scrambled) die before they can cause damage to the rest of the body. It is also thought, however, that apoptosis occurs to cells virtually at random. One idea is that, as our body fails certain neurons are no longer required and simply expire rather than use resources. This may be a significant theory: our bodies wear out: we slow down: less stimuli reach the brain: the brain doesn't need as many neurons: apoptosis results.

Introducing New Cells

Perhaps apoptosis is the key to the fact that our brains generally outlive the rest of our body. The brain simply gets leaner but stays meaner compared to other body parts that simply cannot shed unwanted or bad cells. So why even think of transplanting the brain? There is no reason to replace parts of the brain because unwanted cells die out voluntarily. One idea is simply to add new cells, prepared with the correct DNA structure. With nano technology it would be possible for microscopic robots to enter the body (perhaps through the gut, if taken regularly as a drug) and carry the new cells with them to the brain. It may be possible for a one-off procedure to deposit a culture in the body that will act as a brain cell reservoir. Nano robots would release new cells at an appropriate rate. In addition, if limbs were being regularly replaced, the body as a whole would be quicker and this would undoubtedly result in a lower rate of apoptosis. Oh, and easy on the alcohol!

In our throw-away society we may have lost the habit of replacing parts. The thing about us humans is that we can't simply be replaced by a new model. We need to be renovated and renewed occasionally. Perhaps a few of the things we buy could get the same treatment. When I am not thinking about immortality, I am promoting Insectocutor Fly Killers. We are always happy to sell you a new model. We also, however, carry a range of spare parts. There are some Insectocutor models out there that are over 30 years old. We are proud to have supplied the odd spare part when it has been needed. Immortality indeed!


Facial Neglect

Sagging faces and wrinkles concern just about everyone over the age of thirty. In fact, the search for the “fountain” has reached an all-time frenzy as consumers pay more and more money chasing after new, better and improved creams, toners and potions just hoping for a miracle in a jar that will erase, and then stop the wrinkles and sagging.

Sagging muscles in the face drag down the skin; you see the result of that when you witness nasal labia folds, jowls and pouches on the jaw and eyebrows that seem lower than usual. It has been reported that our facial muscles can elongate as much as one-half inch by age fifty-five. We certainly witness elongation in our arms, legs and buttocks; arms become flabby, inner thighs lose their firmness and the once firm derriere begins to slide into our upper thigh. The face loses its firmness, too. Aging isn't what it used to be but even when we slow the process with good nutrition and exercise, our faces show stress - and our age.

Here are five areas of the face that can make us look older than our years when muscles begin to lose their tone and the skin loses its resiliency:

Forehead and Eyes

The forehead muscle, the frontalis, runs vertically from the hair line to the eyebrows. When this muscle atrophies, it elongates and adversely affects the eyebrows by adding gravitational weight causing the brows to lower and that’s when horizontal lines develop on the forehead. This downward action also distresses the eyelids and they begin to show lines or folds and eyelids can become “hooded.” Hooded eyes are very common; these heavy lids can impair your vision and make one look angry or tired.

The eyebrows sit on the top of the obicularis occuli muscle that encircles each eye. The obicularis occuli and frontalis muscles are muscles we use to “raise our eyebrows.” When the forehead muscle atrophies, there is a noticeable reduction in the distance between the eyebrows and eyelashes. If you can’t see your eye shadow, it’s probably because the eyelid is sagging, wrinkling or folding.


The platysma muscle in the neck is very large compared with the other muscles of the face; it runs from the upper chest area through the neck to the lower cheek area. When this large muscle atrophies, it sags quite noticeably, resulting in the dreaded turkey wattle, double chin and horizontal neck lines. The good news is that these muscles can easily be conditioned using resistance and the tongue.

Upper Cheeks and Lower Cheeks:

The upper cheek muscles, zygomaticus and levitors, anchor into the hairline but the other end of this 12-part muscle group inserts under the mouth muscle. When these heavy muscles lose their battle with gravity, the elongated muscles begin to “pool” into the muscles near the mouth and lower mouth areas, resulting in folds alongside the mouth, pouches and jowls, down-turned mouth corners and a less than refined jaw.

Aging faces have three choices:

1. Do nothing
2. Invasive procedure
3. Facial exercise

Just as exercise shapes and contours the body, exercise for the face can shape and contour the face. What happens when specific exercises are used for the face? The muscles become stronger and the skin becomes resilient; after a few weeks the facial muscles rehabilitate and the user looks refreshed because the droopy skin has been revitalized with oxygenated blood flowing to the tissues.

How does one choose a facial exercise program that will produce the best results? Resistance and isometric contractions reshape the body and these same principles will rehabilitate the face.

There has been controversy regarding the efficacy of facial exercises; the biggest misconception is thinking contorted grimaces produce the type of contraction that will lift, tighten and shorten the facial muscles. They don’t. Excessive squinting and scrunching the face will contribute to further wrinkles and stretching of the skin.

In the face, the muscles are attached to bone on only one end; the other end inserts into another muscle or the skin. To achieve resistance the muscle and skin must be anchored. Only when the muscle is anchored can a resistance contraction occur and when this happens, the muscle responds by tightening and repositioning; the face looks younger because the muscles, just below the skin, are in much better physical condition.

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