Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Anti-Aging Skin Care

Completely healthy does not only mean being the perfect weight, no it means much more than that.

There are a lot of people out there who exercise nearly every day, weigh what they are suppose to and look just great.

But does that mean,that they are completely healthy? No, not neccessarily. So what is needed to be of total health?

If you are a couch potatoe and your only excercise is walking to the pantry to get something to snack on and are 30 pounds overweight, I am sure you realize that you can't attain great health.

Look at the Hunza people for example, they are extremely healthy and attain longevity through their lifestyle.

The Hunza people live in the Himalayas and eat only twice a day, at midday, even though they usually get up at five in the morning, and at dinner time.

And of course it is very important what you eat. Obesety is unknown amongst the Hunzas. They have a special bread,which is eaten with every meal and seems to be the key to their longevity.

I have not mentioned yet how old the Hunzas get. Would you believe,that it is not unusual for them to become 130 years old.

And yes,they do exercise daily, they take regular walks,a 15 to 20 kilometer hike is considered quite normal.

The question here would be, is longevity and health like that obtainable to us in the western world? I like to believe that it is.

So, what is important to be completely healthy? Exercise, absolutely! But if you don't have time to go to the gym, don't worry, or you might be just like me and don't like to go to the gym.

A brisk walk every day (a dog certainly helps with that)and a bit of stretching will do the trick.

And of course our diet is a extremely important factor to our health, fresh fruit and vegetable (preferably organic), only very little meat and whole grain. Those are the very basics.

We tend to forget our mental health, it is a crucial part to being completely healthy. Every day is a new day and we need to be willing to meet each task with a positive attitude.

A great way to start a new day is to meditate.It does not have to be for long, 10-15 mins. will do and will put you in the right frame of mind to have a great day.

An other great tool for your mental health are affirmations. Or start a journal take some time out every day and write down what you have experienced and your feelings.

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