Sunday, December 17, 2006


Anti-Aging and Healing the Natural Way through Electro Pulse Therapy

You know the old saying, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder?" The truth is it's in the muscle tone that sustains your skin. Most people maintain the clear smooth, wrinkle free skin of their adolescence until the mid thirties. Both skin and facial muscles are still firm and elastic, so facial contours remain smooth and well defined. But shortly after the age of thirty-five the first signs of aging materialize.
By the age of forty-five, the higher cheek muscles may lengthen by as much as half an inch, pulling the skin over the cheeks downward to develop chubby little pouches by the corners of the mouth (called jowls). The external corners of the upper eyelids start to hang down over the lower ones. The excessively stretched out skin around the eyes creates a heavy lidded look with numerous lines and folds. Pouches accumulate below the eyes. As you reach your mid fifties the upper cheek muscles will have expanded by at least three quarters of an inch, forming creases around the ears, mouth and jaw line. Neck muscles will have also lost their tone and become slack and start to form neck rolls or cords which is the beginning of the all too recognizable "turkey neck" of old age. Baggy, stretched skin sags toward the front part of the neck.
This aging process happens so little by little you hardly even notice. That is, until you compare a photograph taken just five years ago to your current image you see in the mirror today. You will be amazed to realize how much older you look in a relatively short time! Over time as we age, because the underlying muscles become elastic they are unable to support the skin tissue attached to them. As a result the skin loses it's ability to regenerate new tissue and its ability to moisturize itself. An onset of mal effects are brought on such as; fluid buildup, wrinkles, and sagging skin, among others. Using mild electro pulse therapy or electrical stimulation (The Bio-Electric Rejuvenation), facial muscles feel and look firmer, and the appearance of wrinkles are reduced. It also helps to improve the tone and all the features of your face such as your eyes, cheeks, mouth, chin and skin. You get a tiny “face lift” (As Seen On Oprah) after each treatment or facial work out. You not only will see and feel the difference immediately, but so will everyone else!. This technology was featured on Oprah last year and has been sweeping the nation ever since. It was coined as the “Non-Surgical face lift” or as I like to call it, “fitness for your face”.
Many people have been able to achieve miraculous body transformations through rigorous and continuous correct fitness and nutritional practices and as we know only through a true fitness and nutritional lifestyle will you find the only real “fountain of youth”. But the one thing that has been almost impossible to anti-age through health and fitness alone is “the face” along with the body. In fact the leaner you get the more drawn and aged you tend to look unfortunately, Until now through “Bio-Electric Rejuvenation”.
What is Bio-Electric Rejuvenation?
The Bio-Electric Rejuvenation technology uses a variety of frequencies to stimulate cells and re-educate muscles. Through universal healing frequencies it tones muscles, reduce fluid retention, as well as softens wrinkles. It is non-invasive and non-abrasive. There are precise techniques that are used to raise, tighten and tone the muscles, which also creates elasticity in the tissue keeping the skin’s metabolism healthy and something to hang on to. A persons age and current condition will determine the number of treatments that are needed when they first begin. The anti-aging prescription that is generally recommended is for the client to come in for an initial series of two or three treatments a week for five to six weeks as you would when working with a personal trainer or starting any exercise regime. This will re-tone the muscles and rejuvenate the skin. A maintenance treatment of once every month for maintenance is suggested after the initial series, to keep the muscles tight and healthy. This is an incredible preventative treatment as well as a corrective treatment.
Weather a person chooses to have surgery or not is an individual choice and surgery has it’s place, But with a surgical face lift, the muscles and skin are cut and stretched causing scares and scar tissue. Within a few years after a surgical lift, muscles and skin will again begin to sag. The Bio-Electric can be used to improve or maintain many surgical procedures, as well as diminish scar tissue, providing that the area has completely healed. And with or with out surgery you would want to promote healthy skin and muscle fitness for your face in the same way that you would want to keep your body fit and healthy for life. I know I do.
We have been using this technology at our spa now for the last year and have gotten incredible results with our clients. I for one get the Bio-Electric Rejuvenation treatment at least 2 times a week and more if I can fit it in my busy schedule. I wouldn't want to imagine my face or life without this incredible anti-aging and leading edge treatment ever again.
Here Are Some Benefits
• Softens Wrinkles• Tones And Firms The Muscles• Rejuvenates The Skin• Stimulate Skin Cells• Re-Educates The Muscles• Keeps Skin Healthy
Health and Scientific Background
Noted Scientists Dr. Pilla, Dr. Robert Becker and Dr. Robert Basset discovered that low frequencies and intensities complement the human body. For example 0.6 hertz signals cell repair. Many surgeons, chiropractors and neurologists have been using this technology for years and are currently using electro pulse therapy for skin, muscles and nerve diseases. In the skin-care field, scientific research has proven that tissue repair leads to regeneration of cells and thus to younger, healthier-looking skin. And as someone who has studied energy and understands that all aspects of life are varying frequencies of energy, this is not only logical and true, but makes perfect sense.
Here Are Some Health Benefits
• Stimulates Brain and Neurological Function• Increases Vascular Function• Invigorates Lymphatic System• Sharpens Short Term Memory Issues• Helps With Brain Fog• Improves Mild Learning Disabilities
Here is a brief guide for anti-aging and staying healthy:
1. Consume 8 to 12 glasses of water every day.2. Setting goals and having very definite objectives is absolutely essential.3. Acquire and maintain a healthy supportive eating routine.4. Adopt A whole, complete and well-balanced exercise regimen.5. Love yourself unconditionally.6. ELIMINATE ALL TOXIC CONSUMPTION!7. Pray, meditate and have gratitude.8. Serve others.

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