Friday, December 01, 2006


Natural Face-Lift using Acupuncture

More and more, women and men too, are looking for a natural face-lift, that is, a way to maintain their youthful looking facial skin, naturally. Face-lifts using surgery, or cosmetic face-lifts using products such as Botox injections, are being replaced at least in part, by natural methods.

cupuncture has been used for millennia to treat disease and lines and wrinkles on faces have been part of that. After all, if Acupuncture can treat diseases of the body, why would it not work on the aging facial skin.

Face-lifts are common place these days, but not everyone wants to spend tens-of-thousands of dollars for a plastic surgeon, or have potentially toxic chemicals injected into their skin. More and more people are looking toward natural skin care solutions such as natural and organic skin care products and now Acupuncture for maintaining their youthful looks.

Acupuncture uses acupuncture points, located all over the body to stimulate the body’s own energy. Each point has specific actions, but can also have complex interactions when used together with other acupuncture points.

Typically a face-lift using acupuncture would involve a selection from points such as:

* CO. 20 (Yang Xiang)
* S.I. 18 (Quan Liao)
* TH. 23 (Si Zhu Kong)
* GB. 1 (Tong Zi Liao), GB. 14 (Yang Bai)
* ST. 2 (Si Bai), ST. 3 (Ju Liao), ST. 4 (Di Cang)
* Yin Tang, Yu Yao

In addition, other points on the body would be selected to treat any underlying health problems, which would also have an effect on the healthy look of an individual. Let's face it, if you are feeling a million dollars, you'll probably look better than if you're feeling low in energy and lack basic health.

In Australia an Acupuncture session would cost you around $100.- and you would need at least 6-8 treatment over 4-8 weeks to get results. Yes, you would need to repeat this once or twice a year, depending on your age and general health. Compare that to Botox injections or surgery, and you will save yourself a lot of money and pain, not to mension avoiding nasty side effects.

Natural face-lifts are simply a better option. You don't need to use potentially toxic chemicals, nor do you run any risk associated with even the most minor of surgical procedures and you do not need to worry about side effects. Acupuncture will not cause any lasting side effects. At worst, you may get a small bruise where a needle was inserted, but it will clear up in a matter of a day or two and the Acupuncture itself is not painful. In fact Acupuncture is usually very relaxing and energising.

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