Thursday, December 21, 2006


Soaps And How They Effect Skin Care Today

The affect on the public that laboratory tested soaps have had over the years in my opinion has been harsh on the skin, too say they have become more available at a fraction of the cost in some cases.

The natural hand made element of soap making has been taken away in many aspects and they have replaced it with products that have been tested. In this day and age especially amongst the younger generation there is this urge for great skin care. Many people still us fresh hand made soaps on a regular bases as part of a health diet to great skin care.

What is the difference and what makes them better?

Natural products are generally hand made by a good aromatherypist that is qualified in this field, with natural products such as lye and other natural oils and abstracts they have the generic properties for good skin care. Lye was a great favourite in the old days,

How ever now and days in the age of profit racketeering major companies and business men alike exploit the market and the ridicules profit margins to be had . Mass production attempts across the region can only mean a cut in expenses to deliver something that servers the majority and delivers a generic need and affordable prices. Some people often find that mass produced soaps have some common ingredients that they may have allergies and other skin ailments with, how ever there are many fresh hand made products that will be deemed suitable.

The soap range in fresh hand made produce is second to none; you will find that the choice of fragrances can be very much your own choice. There are so many different shapes and flavours to choose from for exam: Apple, Patchouli, lavender, are just some of my personal favourites in fragrances. You will find that natural hand made soaps have special properties to offer unique to you as a person whether you have an allergies problem that you need to take care off or do you just want nice fresh aroma’s in your bathroom .So in short we do not welcome mass production in soaps.

Some people will not find what they need because it is not possible that you please everybody. Although there are some other avenues to explore, you might want to think about making your own soaps, but please do not take this task lightly because there are some ingredients that are not compatible with each other . I would not try and mix my own soap unless I had the right advice. And it is always a good idea to read up on the safety aspect of the of the job.

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